不很明了 (热门博主)
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(2016-11-25 21:06:29) 下一个


1. You Could Poke Your Eye Out

“A woman once threw shoes at me because they weren’t on sale. Just threw spiked heels at me.”samanthas4dc6bb9ca


2. That’s Not Where That Goes

“A woman POOPED in a container full of miscellaneous cosmetics that was part of a makeup display so that she wouldn’t have to lose her spot in the long winding line of check out. POOPED.”adens


3. The Human Ladder

“Working in a Victoria’s Secret Pink store one Black Friday, I was bending down to check on something for a customer and another used me as a step stool so that they could reach a pair of yoga pants on a top shelf.”hannaht445f341ae


4. F#*$ This Lotion

“I worked at a lotion store for Black Thanksgiving/Friday. I had a woman throw an absolute hissy fit because we were sold out of her favorite holiday lotion. She started throwing those giant three-wick candles — she threw at least ten. Then she flipped a table filled with lotion and started stepping on the bottles. The store’s floor was covered in lotion and broken glass! I was the lucky employee who got to clean it up.”


5. No Biting Please

“One year, back when I was a teenager and DVD players were still kind of a big deal, I worked at Walmart on a Black Friday. They had some cheap little DVD players for $15, and they had been advertising for them heavily. Everyone made a made a mad dash for them as soon as the doors opened. One elderly woman had managed to fight through these crowds and put three of them in her cart, but when she wasn’t looking, a middle-aged man reached INTO her cart to take one. The woman turned around and saw what he was doing. Then, this sweet-looking little old lady leaned over and BIT the guy on the forearm. He yelled and dropped the DVD player. I turned around and pretended I hadn’t seen it.”


6. The Lonely Panini Maker

“One of our Black Friday specials was a panini maker. 12 hours after the sale had started, a customer asks me where she can find them in the store. I told her that unfortunately we were already sold out. She then literally begins to cry at me and says that the only reason she came out was for the panini maker. After an eternity of awkward crying, I offer to write her a rain check (which we do not normally do on Black Friday), and she left happy. About a week later, we get a new shipment in of said panini maker and I excitedly put one to the side for this woman, knowing that I did something good for someone. I give her a call and happily tell her she can come in and pick it up, to which she responds, ‘Oh, I didn’t really need it. Thanks anyway.’ Now I’m the one crying.”joiet3


7. "Worked security at Target for 5+ years. For being a store in the rougher part of town, I don't have too many horror stories. The funniest one I like to tell is a couple years ago, I was there early doing crowd control. I would always talk to people in line, try to keep them entertained while they waited in the cold. The first couple in line had been there for about 13 or 14 hours. So we open the store, and we have deals on all sorts of electronics, toys, etc. They get in line and have a shopping cart full of towels that we had on sale for $2. That's it. Just towels. They were first in line outside and waited over half a day for $2 towels. When I left after my 12 hour shift, we still had shelves full of these towels, along with tons more in the stockroom." - Lineman72T



8. "When I worked at Sam's Club, during the madness one Black Friday morning, we caught a woman stuffing the inside of her pants with frozen lobster tail. She would unpackage them and throw the trash in a stack of tires that were on display." - Nickdubs


9. "I worked for Best Buy for six years. Every one knows about the lines that you stand in outside. Part of the process is once you get into the store you stand in another line to buy your products. Our manger thought he was particularly smart winding the line through our appliance department. Mind you there is usually 1,500+ people in the building at 6 a.m. (with a line still outside). Well, we get a complaint from one of our patrons. After checking the dryers we found a nice turd in one. Good size solid consistency just sitting there. A lady who did not want to lose her spot opened the dryer, and shat right there in front of every one. I decided that day even though I may want stuff; I will never shit in front of an entire crowd of people for $799 50" plasma TV." - Dave_Versus_Volcano



10. "Working in the electronics department, a little old lady punched a teenage boy in the face to get the last radio he had picked up. She snatched it up and ran." - lezbatron



11. "Back when I worked retail we had people lining up at the doors. We hadn't finished setting up the signs yet so we were running late. At about a minute after midnight the people outside started pushing on the door and cursing at my manager. The door was cheap so even though it was locked, they were able to push it inward. Problem was, it never actually opened but the people at the back of the crowd thought it did so they started pushing and the people at the front started being crushed against the door.

"When my manager saw this, she immediately opened it up and about five people at the front spilled onto the floor and the rest of the people behind them started trampling over them. They were okay though because they were all young guys and I saw them shopping a few minutes later." - HaberDasherA



12. "I worked one Black Friday in the clothes department at Walmart. For like two straight hours before the sale began, people hovered over the pallets. The alarm went off and the swarm just went insane.

"There were two women in particular on opposite sides, tossing clothes back and forth to each other. I don't know what their system was because half the stuff they were just catching and tossing aside. But this little teenager (I mean like petite tiny girl) intercepted a pair of jeans being tossed and the women went INSANE and elbowed her in the face. Instant blood and the little girl was so shocked she just stood there shaking and crying. The woman acted like that was a perfectly reasonable thing to do. I pulled her out of the crowd and started to walk her to get her cleaned up when the sheriff appeared out of nowhere. The best part was she was his kid and the woman was arrested on the spot. Hahaha. She had to post bail AND pay full price for her shitty Levi's." - novapine


13. "A lady called 911 because we wouldn't price match with Best Buy. The police came and arrested her for misusing the emergency service." - eddiemarsattacks


14.  "Today, one of our male customers hit another male customer upside the head with a crock pot. What were they fighting over? The crock pot. Both customers had to be dragged out of the store by the police." - pandacoot


15. "By far the best was three grandmothers getting into a literal fist fight over the last Furby. A full on brawl, rolling around on the floor, kicking and punching. Nobody knew what to do. It took two women and a manager to pull them apart. It was the most screwed up thing I've ever seen." - Monklyn


16. "Toys 'R' Us: When Bop-Its first came out, I saw an older woman (60's?) and a somewhat younger woman (40's?) reach for the last one at the same time. They then proceeded to get into a tug of war, which ended with the older woman digging her claws into the other woman's forearms so deeply that she actually drew quite a bit of blood. She then disappeared into the crowd with the Bop-It leaving the rest of us (including the woman she had assaulted) just standing there stunned.

"We later tried to find her amidst the crowd so the officer assigned to our store could deal with the issue but were never able to. Hope her grandkids knew how serious Grandma was about getting that Bop-It!" - redteamleader



17. "I worked at a Walmart Supercenter that had just opened and it was their first Black Friday sale. They had three police officers and two of the largest support managers escort a pallet of the $400 laptops out to the floor. Immediately, a crowd started forming around them. When they threw off the cardboard it was like people transformed into animals. People climbing over one another and grabbing them out from other people's hands. There were people stealing them out from other people's carts. It was crazy." - nihil161



18. "I watched a very large man trample several people to the ground and throw over his shoulder as many $1 towels as he could to his waiting family members.

"I watched a guy get tazed because he pulled a knife on the Walmart's store manager. The guy was pissed because he was told he had to get into a queue.

"I saw a girl get trampled over $3 DVD's. Shoe prints on her face and arms. The inhuman b------s saw they were standing on a person and just grabbed DVD's anyway.

"Black Friday sucks." - nmeosft8


19. troublesmoker

I worked at the Walmart in Green Acres mall in Valley Stream, NY. Was working the day one of my fellow co-workers got crushed to death by a large crowd who broke the doors and gate outside. That moment changed Black Friday for the retail world forever. I quit after that, was not ready to lose my life to some TVs.


20. nullz 2 years ago

I can tell you this I work at a very popular store, last black Friday two idiots took all our carts and started to sell them to shoppers. Needless to say they were caught before they sold one, kicked off the lot, and banned from the store.



Not a horror story, but I got a good one. The best thing I have ever seen was this woman who was acting really suspicious. I followed her around and she ended up in the isle with all the towels. Low and behold she had gone in to the store a couple days before and hid all the sale items in between the towels. I was really impressed so I let her walk.


22. takeitfromme503

Working at Best Buy I was in charge of the Home Theater register on Black Friday. There was a woman in line who leaned over vomited in the floor then stepped back in line. Didn’t skip a beat.



My friend worked at a Walmart in our city a few years back during Black Friday when a woman was trampled to death by a mob of shoppers.



Some one pepper sprayed a crowd of people for an Xbox 2 years ago. Here is the aftermath video. There is a guy on the floor in the middle of the crowd. 



25. bunny_pellets

So it was Black Friday 2003 and I’m in the “r-zone” in toys R Us ringing up a customer. Suddenly I see a co-worker up on the tallest ladder getting an assembled bike down from the ceiling. Here comes this crazy lady, bangs her cart several times into his ladder saying he’s in her way. He fell a good 10 feet off the ladder and the ladder crashed to the side. Lady said, ” you shouldn’t have been in the way!!” Rolls her cart away. Coworker was rushed to ER! Snapped his wrist in half. I will never shop/work Black Friday Ever!


26. PityandFear

I worked at Target for 5 years as an electronics team lead and I saw some gnarly shit. The worst though was probably when I saw a man throw a 42 TV at another man for cutting in line. The man that received the Westinghouse to the face received a concussion and several stitches while the thrower got multiple blows to the face from surrounding customers, an assault charge, and at least one night in county. 


27. bestincal

Not really a “horror story”, but I used to work at Best Buy and worked home theater my first Black Friday. Store opens at 6am Friday. Guy walks in. Walks up to me, while I’m wearing my khaki pants and best Buy polo. He looks at me and asks, “do you work here?” I look at my Best Buy logo on my polo, then to my name-tag, then up at him and say “Nope”. He just walked away.


28. Folkyourfaceoff

Sam’s Club does a Black Sunday or something before the actual Black Friday for plus members. Some dipshit 20 year old threw food on the floor, purposefully slipped in it and gave himself a concussion, puking all over the place like a goddamn fool.

He got no money from us because Sam’s has cameras everywhere.








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