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Chinese Stereotypes on Donald Trump: FACT OR FICTION

2016年3月20日 21:28 阅读 13000

James Lee Fletcher-美国新闻评论者,从西方的视角,解读西方新闻对中国民众的影响



I can’t help but notice in the Chinese online community how many stereotypes and misconceptions surround this newcomer to American politics. With this confusion, I wanted to end my writing on Trump for now on the three main beliefs I see repeated again and again on Chinese social media. I am going to detail what I believe to be the fact and fiction between these stereotypes on Uncle Trump and leave it up to the reader to form his or her own opinion.

  Fred Trump and his son, Donald pictured on the left. On the right is a “Fu Er Dai”

     1. Second generation rich – Fact and Fiction

“Fu Er Dai” in China has a very special meaning. Perhaps these members of Chinese society did not earn the money they flaunt, heavily used social media while younger, lived a flamboyant lifestyle and were very outspoken in regards to what they considered the most important political and social issues of their time. However, Trumps history does not suggest he did any of these things.

FACT: Trump is second generation of money in his family. His parents were German and Swedish immigrants living in New York City. His father, Fred Trump, built his career developing real estate and business in the outer boroughs of New York City. He amassed a large fortune from his business activities.

FICTION: First and foremost, the term “Second Generation Rich” does not have near the context it has in China as it does in the United States. There is no large class of second-generation rich people as there have been rich people living in America for hundreds of years. In fact, if anything, it is more common for the third generation to piss away wealth and flaunt family success in America. As we can see with Trump’s so far conservative children, this isn’t even close to being the reality in the Trump family as they all keep a very low profile.

And onto Trump himself, he was not famous in America for leading a flamboyant lifestyle until he got older and actually became, relatively speaking in the United States, rich. When he started building his real estate empire in Manhattan, there were several occasions during his younger years that he almost lost it all. He was hard working from the beginning and was never in media when he was first developing his own business empire, separate from his fathers.

 Donald Trump’s being interviewed on CNN


     2. He is racist and hates Muslims, Mexicans – Fiction


FICTION: Trump does not inherently hate people based on their nationality, skin tone or religious beliefs. His rhetoric is only a reflection of the anger that currently exists in the United States.


Muslims -- America has been engaging the Middle East in a pseudo religious war since the American government began providing military supplies to Israel in 1968 with the first sales of the Phantom fighter jets following the Six-Day War. Since 1985, Israel has been the recipient of nearly $3 billion in grants a year from the United States. The fact remains, as long as America continues its political and military support of Israel, radical Islam will continue to target and threaten the United States with acts of terrorism and war. And as long as the people of the United States feel threatened, there will be a push from the citizenship to remove and restrain these people from America. Trump is tapping directly into this fear and confusion of the American people towards Muslims.

Mexicans -- In America today, there are over 11 million illegal aliens residing in the United States, with estimations that the real number could be as close as 20 million. Many of these 11 million are Mexicans who sneak across the US –Mexican boarder in search of work and new opportunity. It is not that America hates Mexicans; they are upset that the United States immigration system is broken. In Trump’s quest for the Oval Office, he knows this is a subject that has the average American very upset about and so he is out to fix it. The media takes Trumps words out of context and makes him sound extreme and racist. This is just simply not the case. If there were 11 million North Koreans living illegally in Liaoning and Jilin, I think the netizens of China would have a few words to say as well. 

 Adolf Hitler and Donald Trump
3. Trump is a new Hitler – Fact and Fiction



Fact: There are several similarities between the rise of Donald Trump and Adolf Hitler that I think should be noted. Adolf came to power in a democratic election in Germany in the 1930s, similar to what could soon happen for Donald this year. Additionally, both were able to rally an unhappy populace using nationalism and fear to come to prominence in their political spheres. Germany and America were also in a somewhat similar economic state with both economies and average citizens suffering, albeit, for different reasons. That is where the similarities abruptly end.


I could write a short book on the differences of Adolf and Donald personally in regards to how vastly different the life story of Adolf was compared to Donald’s thus far. Adolf was poor and spent his 20s as a struggling painter roaming the streets of Vienna following his service in the defeated German armed forces in World War I. He then tried to overthrow the German government in an armed coup in 1923 that failed and was sent to prison. From there he wrotMein Kampf and developed a hatred of the Jews, who he famously blamed for all of Germans problems during the early part of the 20th century.


On Donald’s end… he was born an American and never served in the U.S. military and was even reportedly a draft dodger during the Vietnam War. He never attempted to overthrow the United States government and has never been to prison. Donald does not blame Mexicans and Muslims for the perilous state America is currently in, he blames the establishment and the vested interests that currently control America – which is why the media is currently saying he is so “dangerous”. Trump does not blame a race or people; he blames the American political and economic system itself. 

FictionHitler is famous for instigating World War II, his belief that the Aryan race was the chosen people to run the world and the holocaust of the Jewish people residing in Europe. With that said, I find it a bit of stretch to say that Trump aligns with the three main positions and beliefs that made Adolf so famous. Trump does not believe that Americans are the chosen people, has no plans to commit mass genocide of the Muslim and Hispanic people of the world and is not willing to start World War III because of a belief that the people of the United States deserve to rule the world.

 Oval Office during the Kennedy Administration



As with most stereotypes, there is always a great deal of truth hidden within them. In this essay, I hope you were to gain a better prospective from what an American perceives about the three main stereotypes the Chinese netizens hold in their mind in regards to Donald Trump.


Next week, I will be distancing myself from my discussions and coverage on Trump and will be moving onto other political hot topics coming from America and what they mean for China.


As always, please like, comment and share and thank you for your time spent reading James Lee Fletcher comments on American news.





1. “富二代”——确有其事,也是无稽之谈










2. 他是种族主义者,憎恨穆斯林和墨西哥人——无稽之谈








3. 川普是新版希特勒——确有其事,也是无稽之谈


















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