旋转门Revolving door这东西,说起来是人类文明发展的重要一环,但你要说它没什么屁用也是对的。为什么有这种差异,就要从旋转门的起源说起。
当20世纪初人们开始把大楼越盖越高之后,几个以前没遇到过的问题开始一一浮现,其中一个叫做烟囱效应chimney effect 。
在欧美地区室外较冷因此室內大多是开着暖气,在大楼中的热空气会延着大楼內部往上升,而在大楼的低楼层形成一个吸力将外面的空气吸进去 (所以在有烟囱的金炉烧金纸的时候, 金纸放在旁边就会自己被吸进去)。
Skyscraper design requires some sort of draft block, such as revolving doors, to prevent the chimney effect of the tall structure from sucking in air at high speed at the base and ejecting it through vents in the roof while the building is being heated, or sucking in air through the vents and ejecting it through the doors while being cooled, both effects due to convection. Modern revolving doors permit the individual doors of the assembly to be unlocked from the central shaft to permit free flowing traffic in both directions, but this feature is typically used only during emergencies, or to admit oversize objects. Normally, the revolving door is always closed so that wind and drafts cannot blow into the building, to efficiently minimize heating and air conditioning loads.--From Wikipedia