Hahaha, You are so funny, 雨中花 :) ************************************************************************ 雨中花. 发表评论于 2013-03-27 11:21:21电话号码:6663629,楞被说成了:sex sex sex, free sex tonight.
我觉得口音是其次。提的问题很愚蠢才丢人。 what's your view of the 5 bric contries. how do you see china's development in recent years. 问题问的vague, 很肤浅。生怕人家不知中国是其中一砖,怕人家不称赞中国的经济吗? 还有这个记者绷着脸 (可能因为紧张),手伸得长长的把麦克风往人家脸上塞,距离感也没有把握好。
In the next several decades, the standard English will be BRIC English, with India taking the lead. Just as my neighbor's (American) kid "preyed the British can learn to speak English better without their awful accent". Who knows whether will not happen in India or China one day.