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(2009-12-08 22:43:10) 下一个

Super Size It: The World’s Largest Food


Didn’t get enough to eat on Thanksgiving? Then feast your eyes onthis absurd buffet of monstrously oversized food. While some may lamentthe inherent waste of food involved in creating the world’s largestburgers, omelettes and sushi rolls, there’s no denying that enormousedibles have their appeal all over the world. You’ll feel full justlooking at these 15 record-breaking, gut-busting food items.

Stomach-Popping Pumpkin Pie


(image via: GhostStudy.com)

Nearly a ton of pumpkin was required to make South Africa’srecord-breaking, 28-foot pumpkin pie. The massive dessert was threefeet deep and took two days to create, and beat out the previous titleholder in Circleville, Ohio, which took 360 pounds of sugar, 795 poundsof pumpkin,  60 lbs. of powered milk, 60 dozen eggs, 75 gallons ofwater and 400 lbs. of flour to make.

12,600 Calorie Gummi Bear


(image via: Cool Things)

Have you ever wondered what 12,600 calories looks like? This hugegummi bear is the equivalent of 1,400 regular-sized gummi bears, standsnine inches tall and weighs five pounds. You can get one of your veryown at VAT15 for $40 in your choice of blue raspberry, red cherry, and green apple teeth-rotting flavors.

Monster of a Meatball


(image via: MSNBC)

That old Italian-American classic, spaghetti and meatballs, is afavorite from coast to coast here in the U.S. – but not everyone iscontent with meatballs that can fit on a fork. Matthew Mitnitsky, ownerof Nonni’s Italian Eatery in Concord, New Hampshire, set out to breakthe previous record, set by late night host Jimmy Kimmel, so he couldbring the title back to the East Coast. He succeeded with his222.5-pound meat monstrosity, beating Kimmel’s meatball by over 24pounds.

Tons of Tiramisu


(image via: BBC News)

Tiramisu may be from Italy, but that hasn’t stopped both Switzerlandand France from creating the two largest tiramisu desserts ever made.The 2007 Swiss version, in the shape of the confection’s country oforigin, weighed over 1,742 pounds – but the French beat them handily in2009 with their less artistic, but much larger 2,372 pound dessert,which contained over 4,000 eggs.

Positively Enormous Pizza


(imave via: CanPages.ca)

Over 1,100 pounds of flour, 1,763 pounds of cheese and 1,984 poundsof tomato paste were required to make the world’s largest pizza, whichmeasured a whopping 122 feet in diameter. Created in 1990 at the Pick‘n’ Pay hypermarket in Johannesburg, South Africa, the pizza wasrapidly consumed in a not-so-orderly fashion by onlookers, who simplytore pieces off the edges with their hands.

Largest Lollipop


(imave via: Sri Chinmoy Bio)

It would take an awful lot of licks to even make a dent in thisinsanely gigantic lollipop, created in August 2009 in honor ofspiritual leader Sri Chinmoy’s birthday. The equivalent of 165,070regular-sized lollipops, this supersized sucker surpasses the previousrecord holder by 2,000 pounds, weighing in at 6,706 pounds. It’s 10feet in diameter, 10 inches thick and 25 feet tall including the stick.

Humongous Bowl of Hummus


(image via: Javno.com)

Lebanese chefs set a new world record in October 2009 with thelargest plate of hummus ever made. This garlicky dip contained 2,976pounds of mashed chickpeas and 13,525 ounces of lemon juice, and wasserved on the world’s largest plate.

Gut-Busting Burger


(image via: The Metro)

Warning: eating this entire hamburger will undoubtedly result inextreme discomfort, followed by death. The aptly named “The AbsolutelyRidiculous Burger”, served at Mallie’s Sports Bar and Grill in Detroit,Michigan, costs $350 and must be ordered 24 hours in advance. The 134pound slab of meat is served on a 50 pound bun, and naturally, nosingle individual has ever been able to eat more than a small portionof it.

Seriously Gigantic Sushi Roll


(image via: Weird Asia News)

There’s nothing bite-sized about this ridiculously large sushi roll,created by martial arts movie star Jackie Chan’s restaurant, G. Sushi.As Chan demonstrated at the opening of a new location in Shanghai, thistightly packed roll of raw fish, rice, vegetables and seaweed is sobig, it would take three adult men to circle it with their arms.

D’oh! Largest Donut Made of Donuts


(image via: Damn Cool Pics)

It’s the sort of epic donut that would knock Homer Simpson off hisfeet – a nearly 20-foot-wide creation that weighs more than tworhinoceroses. Assembled by Donut King for the release of The SimpsonsMovie on DVD, this gigantic donut was made from 90,000 individualdonuts and covered in half a ton of pink icing and 66 pounds ofsprinkles.

Omelette of 11,000 Eggs


(image via: KCRA)

It took 20 people in rotating shifts to cook the world’s largestomelette, which weighed more than 1,000 pounds and was made from over11,000 eggs. Villagers in Belorechenskiy, Russia got to consume theoversized omelette when it was done.

Super-Sized Sandwich


(image via: TechSufi)

It was the sandwich of sandwiches: a 5,440 pound stack of whitebread measuring over a foot thick, huge slabs of cheese and meat, anduntold amounts of lettuce and mayo. This world record sandwich was madeby Wild Woody’s Chill and Grill, in Roseville, Michigan in 2005.

Three months later, cooks in Iran tried and failed to break that record when the crowd started eating their 4,900-foot ostrich meat sandwich before it could be measured.

Fattest Piece of Fudge


(image via: World  Amazing Records)

In June of 2009, a team of students led by a culinary professor atLansing Community College broke the world record for the largest slabof fudge and made tens of thousands of dollars in proceeds, which weredonated for need-based LCC scholarships. The fudge measured over 36feet long, 8 feet wide and 6 inches deep and weighed in at over 520,000pounds.

Gigantic Gingerbread Man


(image via: Go San Angelo)

The tallest man in the world presented the world’s largestgingerbread man at an Ikea outlet in the Norway’s capital Oslo inNovember 2009. 8-foot-1-inch tall Sultan Koesen, declared the world’stallest living man in September, presented the 1,435 pound cookie,which broke the 1,307 pound record set in Smithville, Texas in 2006.

Insanely Huge Ice Cream Cake


(image via: China Daily)

Adorned with cute cartoon characters, the biggest ice cream cakeever made was nearly 16 feet long, 10 feet wide and three feet tall.Chinese workers who labored over the cake danced in celebration when itwas completed in 2006 and declared a world record winner by GuinnessWorld Records.

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