

(必看片)The Midnight Patrol==18minutes

(2007-08-10 05:40:47) 下一个

Playing the role of police officers, Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy grab their sandwich and milk when they get a call stating the someone was stealing their spare tyre, Laurel gets out and chases the men away. After a short conversation, Laurer proceeds to throw a brick at their car, only for the thieves to throw the brick back at the police car, smashing through the back window, resulting in Hardy's milk squirting on his face.

After that the men are sent to investigate a man breaking into a house at 24 Walnut Avenue, unfortunately they couldn't start the car, after Hardy checks in the car for faults, Laurel eventually starts the car, but they forget the address and when Laurel tries to phone headquarters, they notice the phone cable has snapped. While Laurel goes to search for another phone, a criminal opens a store and tries to break into a safe. Laurel walks into the store and asks the criminal if he could use his phone. After getting the address from headquarters, Stan writes it down, it turned out however that he wrote it on two separate pages, twenty four on one page and Walnut Avenue on the other, this all goes on while the criminal continues to break into the safe, with Stan giving him a helping hand. Officer Hardy gets impatient and goes into the store to find Laurel and the criminal. The three men discuss a meeting at the station with the criminal (eventually settling for next Tuesday), when Ollie questions Stan about the address, they notice the page (which Stan takes forever to unfold) only read the number, but "someone stole the address" according to Laurel. After getting the address from HQ again, Officer Hardy returns to his car along with Stan, only to discover the man they dealt with earlier trying to drive away with their vechile, Hardy demends that he appear at the station tomorrow. The two finally remember the address and head to the location.

They eventually find the house and now have to break into the home in order to get their man. It later turned out to be the owner of the house, having been locked out by his butler, who went for a walk. Unaware of their fate, Laurel and Hardy attempt to break into the home, taking ten paces back for a good run-up, however on nine, Hardy falls into the pond, at this point the owner is aware someone is outside and tries to get dressed. The two men then grab a bench for use as a battering ram, they attempt a count of three to run towards the door, but on two, Stan goes backwards and Ollie finds himself again in the pond. After getting help out of the water by Stan, Ollie gave Stan a brief discussion, asking him to do this his way for once. Finally they break into the home with the battering ram, only to break into the stairs as well and down through the attic. The owner with a shotgun, goes down the stairs, only to fall down the attic as well, prompting Laurel and Hardy to grab him and after the owner shouted "Don't you realise who I am", Hardy smashes a bottle on his head and knocks him out.

The officers bring the man to headquarters and seeking promotion, but after announcing the charges, the other officers recognise the man as Chief Ramsbottom. Clearly upset the Chief stares at the two men as they quietly walk away, only for the chief to give Stan a kick up the bum and grabbing a gun to shoot them both.
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