
丁庄秀园 (热门博主)
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(2012-08-05 18:59:18) 下一个
西方媒体 Business Insider 我看的多点,毕竟是报道经济的,相对有用的内容多点。很多时候我到这里也是看网友的回帖。今天来看看关于叶诗文的报道,先看最近的一篇(部分转载,附上中文翻译):

Weibo Retaliates Against The US Swim Coach By Posting His Contact Info Online 微博报复地张贴美国游泳教练(Leonard)的联系方式
Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/john-leonard-had-personal-details-posted-on-weibo-by-li-kaifu-2012-8

WTF on Aug 3, 9:45 AM said:
I don't think Li should delete his post or even issue an apology to Leonard. If there is anyone who should be apologizing, it is Leonard for his outrageous and baseless acussations. 我不认为李(开复)应该删除他的帖子或者对Lennard道歉,如果要道歉,应该是Leonard对他的粗暴和无根据的指着道歉

Doe on Aug 3, 4:05 PM said:
@Alpha directed:
If John Leonard publicly accused other people without any base, then I actually think it is a good thing to expose his criminal record to show how reputable he is. 如果Leonard 无端地公开指着别人,那么我认为公开他的犯罪记录是好事

RichardT on Aug 3, 10:45 PM said:
It is also reported that this John Leonard had done two sexual abuse in his early life to girls. What a shame! 另据报道,这个Leonard曾经在他早期的生活中对两个女孩性虐待。真丢人!

CrazyGal on Aug 3, 10:50 AM said:
This is sad...I am American, but I feel that many of the American Olympics commentators have lost the Olympics spirits. Why is it that a winner of other countries will have to be guilty of fault if we, the Americans, said so. Turning the table around, Michael Phelps is the most decorated Olympian of all time, but he has history of drug use. Should we condemn his glory of history making? We should all be proud of these athletes. With their participations in the Olympics games, they have already proven their great brilliant marks in their athletic professionism and achievement. 这是可悲的...我是美国人,但我觉得许多美国奥运评论员已经失去了奥运精神。为什么其他国家的优胜者有是过失犯罪,如果我们美国人认为是。换位思考,菲尔普斯是有史来最华丽的奥林匹克运动员,但他有吸毒史。我们应该谴责他尽管他有创造历史的荣耀吗?我们这些运动员都应该感到自豪。他们在奥运会的参与就是他们对这项运动的伟大辉煌成就的标志。

keed on Aug 3, 4:21 PM said:
now what about Katie Ledecky, 15years old, just won 800m freestyle, improve by 6secs in 1month from the olympic trials. where is Leonard when you need him. 关于Katie Ledecky,15岁,刚刚赢了800米自由泳,一个月内将自己的成绩提高了6秒,现在需要Leonard他在哪呢?

Willow on Aug 3, 5:31 PM said:
Michael Phelps and Missy Franklin have abnormal performance because of their age and the number of medals. However John Leonard said nothing about them. Why? Just because they are Americans who have the most problems of doping! 菲尔普斯和Franklin都有不寻常的表现相对他/她们的年龄和奖牌数,可是Leonard什么都没说,为什么?因为他们是美国人而且更有可能用药的问题!

=== 如果用“Ye Shiwen”去搜索这个网站,可以找到很多相关的报道,注意这里是第一篇,===
The Phenomenal Success Of This 16-Year-Old Chinese Swimmer Has Everyone Talking About The 'D-Word' 这个16岁中国游泳运动员的非凡成功让大家都说D词(用药)
Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/ye-shiwen-the-phenomenal-success-of-this-16-year-old-chinese-swimmer-has-brought-the-d-word-back-to-swimming-2012-7

maxmaxmax on Jul 30, 4:09 PM said:
Why is everyone saying she swims faster than Lochte? Pretty sure Lochte was joking when he said he could have lost to her. They have different strategies in how they use their energy in four styles. She may or may not have doped. But is the last 50m really that suspicious? 他们只是在用时上策略不同。。
Time Rank Split
50 m 28.85 4 28.85
100 m 1:02.19 5 33.34
150 m 1:37.53 3 35.34
200 m 2:11.73 3 34.20
250 m 2:50.53 3 38.80
300 m 3:29.75 2 39.22
350 m 3:59.50 1 29.75
Finish 4:28.43 WR 1 28.93

Time Rank Split
50 m 25.62 2 25.62
100 m 55.02 1 29.40
150 m 1:26.19 1 31.17
200 m 1:56.86 1 30.67
250 m 2:31.04 1 34.18
300 m 3:06.53 1 35.49
350 m 3:36.08 1 29.55
Finish 4:05.18 1 29.10

关于用药的问题,这个帖子可以查,还有人指出有遗漏的例如 Marion Jones CJ Hunter,
 singapura on Jul 30, 7:42 PM said:
Have a look here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_doping_cases_in_sport and count the number of Americans caught doping. 。。数数有多少美国人用药被查出的。。

Really on Jul 30, 10:46 PM said:
Here is a similar story. 15-year-old Lithuanian Ruta Meilutyte won the gold medal in the 100-meter women's breaststroke Monday.
And of course she is never questioned for doping. If this is not stereotyping, discrimination or double standard, I do not know what is. 同样的故事,。。她没有人怀疑,如果这不是成见,歧视或双重标准,我不知道是什么


=== 来看接下来的一篇 (这篇附有录像,看叶诗文游泳不错,是在最后一个转身后追赶上来的)
Controversial 16-Year-Old Swimmer Ye Shiwen Wins Another Gold Medal In Dominating Fashion 有争议的16岁游泳运动员叶诗文用主宰的方式再夺金牌
Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/ye-shiwen-olympics-2012-7

fatcat on Jul 31, 5:10 PM said:
Did you watch the same race as me....she didn't dominate.. 你们和我看的是同一个录像吗?她没有强势。。

Toni on Jul 31, 8:10 PM said:
I can't believe that so stupid comments can be posted on here. I mean, are you, people, serious?
In the text also there was not any interview or opinion from other trainers and experts who don't doubt Chinese triumph. where do you live you stupid morons? Can't you see your blind arrogance?
This is comment on american stupidity and arrogance from little european contry of Macedonia. 我简直不能相信有这么多愚蠢的回帖可以在这里发布。我的意思是,你,一个人,回帖是当真的吗?
我是在评论美国人的愚蠢和嚣张,我来自欧洲的一个小国 Macedonia。


Felix on Aug 1, 9:28 AM said:
I can't bear to imagine what the world thinks of us Americans in all of this. For those of you that have never traveled outside of the United States, you should. Find out how hated we are as a whole because of the arrogance we carry on our shoulders. I hope that Ye Shiwen comes out positive in her urinalyses, if not; it will be another reason to hold our heads even lower when we walk. God Bless America and help there idiots... 我实在不忍心想象世界上别人对我们美国人的看法。对于那些从未离开美国的人,你应该知道,因为我们的嚣张气焰,我们作为一个整体是被痛恨的。我希望叶诗文的尿液分析是有问题的,如果没有,这将是另一个原因不让我们昂首阔步,甚至更低头走路。上帝保佑美国,也帮助那些白痴们...


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丁庄秀园 回复 悄悄话 回复laopia的评论:
laopia 回复 悄悄话 CrazyGal on Aug 3, 10:50 AM said:
This is sad...I am American, but I feel that many of the American Olympics commentators have lost the Olympics spirits. Why is it that a winner of other countries will have to be guilty of fault if we, the Americans, said so. Turning the table around, Michael Phelps is the most decorated Olympian of all time, but he has history of drug use. Should we condemn his glory of history making? We should all be proud of these athletes. With their participations in the Olympics games, they have already proven their great brilliant marks in their athletic professionism and achievement. 这是可悲的...我是美国人,但我觉得许多美国奥运评论员已经失去了奥运精神。为什么其他国家的优胜者有是过失犯罪,如果我们美国人认为是。换位思考,Leonard是有史来最华丽的奥林匹亚教练,但他有吸毒史。我们应该谴责他尽管他有创造历史的荣耀吗?我们这些运动员都应该感到自豪。他们在奥运会的参与就是他们对这项运动的伟大辉煌成就的标志。

丁庄秀园 回复 悄悄话 回复Tiangang的评论:
Tiangang 回复 悄悄话 我们工作单位的老美老日已经指着我鼻子骂了。兄弟我当时啥都不知道,没有啥证据好反驳。