
Here is薄熙来做秀!

(2007-03-28 23:55:11) 下一个
Recently after signing EU-China textile export agreement,薄 said the agreement is 'scientific'. It sounds like he has a scientific mind in the deal and shows his EU counterpart and Chinese public that he is scientific person,or at least know something about science.Here is science definition: Science is organized knowledge( from Kant) and about scientific method(empirical or experimental approach towards understanding the truth of the world). Then does any agreement have anything to do with science? The agreement is an agreement, which is just like that man and woman reach a agreement for marriage. At best, the agreement can be said reasonable or rational, but it has nothing to do with science at all. More surprisingly, 薄 shew his scientific statement before his European counterpart. Europe is a place originating morden science and people there are more knowledgeable about what science is about. To me, his show is somewhat laughable,ignorant, and embrassing to those he represents. More seriously, like his previous 秀 from my observation, he consistantly shows himself as person of being fond of表演+花架子. This kind of persons usually is more trouble than useful in any group.

回答: 中国要的是实干,而不是做秀!痛恨做秀2005-09-15 03:14:22

This guy likes to play with his slippery tongue and cheapish, flattering smile for showing his so-called charisma. He will be more trouble than useful.
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