As to 佛教, when in foreign invasions and the country is in trouble, monks usually hide in temples, doing nothing except mindlessly praying peace; during the peacetime, monks come out to hoax people of money, singing peace and virtues, blah, blah. In ancient time, monks took Chinese cultural treasures to foreign countries like Japan, cheap-selling for their glory. Even now, if you look those monks carefully, quite a few of male monks look very feminine (female-type of body figure and womanish voice) and some of them have very theft-like swift eyes. The long Chinese history has proven that 佛教 is no good at all. As a matter of fact, 佛教 and Confucius are two main factors weakening China since later Tang dynasty, particularly 佛教.*
Compared to 佛教, both Islam and Christianity well organize its people in communities to fend off any foreign dangers like invasions (in Iraq) and natural disasters, and organize for their countrys' aggression too. This is why both the western world and Islamic world are far organized than Asian 佛教 countries. On the other hand, both Islam and Christianity are totally not suitable to Chinese by nature, even dangerous to China**. John Pope II worked with CIA to subvert Eastern European countries, which obviously violates the Bible teachings. And also both are at odds with modern science. Yes, China does face very serious challenge in religion due to Islam and Christian aggression on China soil. And people do need certain religion in their spiritual life.
The foremost suitable religion for a modern country is the religion of PATRIOTISM, that is, turning loving your country and people into the religion form or into a spiritual level. This is what the developed countries are practicing now. The religion is to combine the love with well-refined cultural practice and historical ancestors' recognition into daily practices and rituals. Another suitable one is the religion of individuality***. If we combine the patriotism with individuality into a real religion being, I think it is the best and most suitable religion in the modern world. For a long history country like China, there are very rich contents for the new religion.
回答: 种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。佛教讲因缘法,无我,断贪嗔痴 由 89773 于 2006-04-10 23:06:04
Take Brition for example. It killed and murdered a lot of people during the colony times, and sold Opium to China in the name of free trade. Now you would say Nazi punished Briton due to its past evil. Does it make sense?
Great Briton is still Great Briton, far better than the time before colony time. It is still winning the respect even from its former colonized countries and people, and it has virtually extended its territory to the continents of North American and Australia. Where is the logic of 种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆? Yeah, the logic is that it worked so hard before that now it extends the territory to there. Does the logic makes sense to you?
Maybe you would argue that something will happen in future. Who knows? It may not work in you way either. This is very problem of the backward 佛教 reasoning. In the western enlightenment time, the West has already got rid of this type of thinking. Such a way of thinking is harmful and an impediment to social progress and personal enlightenment.
回答: 佛教讲因和缘结合自然会有果,有因没有条件也无法有果 由 89773 于 2006-04-11 01:46:26
According to your 有缘就有果, 西方国家侵略 and 反而很强盛等 may be the reward for their past cummulated great deeds, while those invaded countries like then China were deserved due to their past cummulated evil. Make sense to you?
解佛教里的因果 can be argued this way and that way, but not really convincing.
I don't think that "道德经,就是讲自然规律". Rather It is talking about the virture and way of doing things. And 道德经 makes it very clear that there should be no fixed rules, such as alway "宽宏大量". The way of doing things depends on the situation. Sometimes you have to kill and sometimes 宽宏大量. It just depends, rather than strictly following fixed doctrines like 宽宏大量. This is part of the past Chinese stupidity.
I think critical thinking is far more important than reciting those doctrines. Anyway appreciate your comments.
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 | 回答: 先不要谈宗教,你总会同意有原因和条件才会发生结果吧 由 89773 于 2006-04-11 05:45:57 When you are beaten, you should think what caused you to be beaten and how to avoid it in future, instead of praying all the time that the bully will be punished someday because he just beat you. Make sense?
If you think what causes you to be beaten, then you get learned and become wise; if you pray the bully will be punished one way or another, you fool and yourself, never get learned. Hope my comment is meaningful to you. |
回答: do not get comfortable when believing in any 由 thrawn 于 2006-04-11 12:23:04
Be your own God, Think by yourself, and Be responsible for yourself. Praying for God's or Budha's help is a sort of cowardness. If you admint you are physically and mentally weak by nature, do as you please.