
the irony of 美国democracy

(2007-03-28 23:18:46) 下一个
Straightforwardly, these are not 美国文化的精华: 接纳远来的客人,收留逃难者,and not 美国能为人类作贡献的秘诀.

One of 美国文化的精华 is Utlitarism, that is, when an action's profit- its cost is positive, do it. Thus when 接纳远来的客人's profit -its cost is positive, 接纳; when negative, 用高墙把非法移民挡在国外. As simple as that!

Off course, 美国 made a lot of successes and failures in that 文化的精华 in the past. The successes are the decisions to engage WWI and WW II. One of the failures is Iraq war. Before invading Iraq, politician and government calculated that the war only lasted for 2 weeks and cost not too much , while economical and political profits were so big. Thus they launched the war. But finally, it was a wrong calculation, a wrong decision.

美国的基督徒立场 is always to how to use Bible to justify their selfishness. When 美国 became independent, 基督教 was their nation religion, while the black's right was never treated as equal fellow human being until 60's of last century. In fact, 基督徒 are the people who were saved by 印第安人 and then massacred 印第安人 and stole their land. Currently those 基督徒 are the hard-core supporters of Bush and Iraq war.

The real point of 五一移民大游行 is 美国 democracy. Most 美国民众, including politicans, don't like 非法移民. Because Hispanic 移民 votes count a lot in 美国 democracy, Hispanic 非法移民 and legal 移民 dared to 游行 and show their power to 美国民众. And some politicians even indorsed Hispanic 游行 in order to win their future elections. It is the irony of 美国democracy.

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