
习惯用语:Against All Odds(同名歌曲)

(2016-03-17 06:05:43) 下一个





习惯用语:Against All Odds(同名歌曲)ZT

我家旁边搬来了一个新邻居。这个人有着十分不同寻常的经历。几年前,他骑摩托时发生车祸,受了重伤,昏迷了很久。医生都觉得他活不了了。可他奇迹般地康复了,现在几乎和正常人没什么两样。他的这个故事,让我想到一个习惯用语,那就是:against all odds.

Against all odds的意思是克服一切困难、出乎所有人的意料而完成某事。我这位邻居本来已经被医生列为无药可救了,但是,against all odds, his condition improved. 出乎所有人的意料,他的身体状况居然一天天好转了。


例句-1:Imagine putting an address and stamps on a hammer or a lamp and mailing it. Or how about a plastic bag of dollar bills? As part of a test of the U.S. Postal Service, these and other items were sent to various destinations. Researchers never expected them to arrive. But, against all odds, the majority of the packages did!





例句-2: Not long after a US flight left New York City on January 15,2009, it ran into a flock of birds and lost engine power. Captain Sullenberger knew he couldn't make it to an airport. There was one option left. Most of the 155 passengers and crew held out little hope for survival. Yet, against all odds, 'Sully' safely landed the plane on the river below.


事后,沙林博格机长成了英雄,人们对他的沉着和负责表示钦佩。说起事故,我想到智利矿难后被困井下69天的矿工们。本来,井下只储存了最多够吃3天的紧急口粮,很难想像这些人还能活着出来。然而,against all odds, they were all rescued, and found to be in good physical and mental health. 在经历了重重困难后,他们竟然获救了,而且身体和精神状态还都不错! 这真是奇迹!



Song: Against All Odds

Artist: Phil Collins

How can I just let you walk away, just let you leave without a trace
When I stand here taking every breath with you, ooh
You're the only one who really knew me at all

How can you just walk away from me,
When all I can do is watch you leave
Cause we've shared the laughter and the pain and even shared the tears
You're the only one who really knew me at all

So take a look at me now, oh there's just an empty space
And there's nothing left here to remind me,
Just the memory of your face
Ooh take a look at me now, well there's just an empty space
And you coming back to me is against the odds and that's what I've got to face

I wish I could just make you turn around,
Turn around and see me cry
There's so much I need to say to you,
So many reasons why
You're the only one who really knew me at all

So take a look at me now, well there's just an empty space
And there's nothing left here to remind me, just the memory of your face
Now take a look at me now, cause there's just an empty space

But to wait for you, is all I can do and that's what I've got to face
Take a good look at me now, cause I'll still be standing here
And you coming back to me is against all odds
It's the chance I've gotta take

Take a look at me now



Phil Collins is an English singer, songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, record producer, audio engineer, author and actor. He is best known as the drummer and lead singer in the rock band Genesis and as a solo artist. His most successful singles include "In the Air Tonight", "Against All Odds", "Sussudio" and "Another Day in Paradise". (Source: Wikipedia)





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