
The thankful moment-- Larry Yon

(2009-01-22 08:45:43) 下一个
I pray everyday for wisdom and patience.

How many times, we want our way, we keep busy everyday, but we do not set some time apart to just sit still and listen to God.

Wisdom is everywhere, but we sometimes ignore it.

I happen to finally talk with our of our top real estate agent Larry Yon today.

He has tremendous expertises and experiences in real estate, being a past FBI agent, fly both jet and helicopter.

I am very thankful for his kindness to share his wisdom.

" Accumulated money is not my life purpose, but experience everything fun is "

" What if a 17 acres of land, how much will you offer?"  " In where?""

" The one talks first LOSE, you should never argue with the seller, but be polite and ask: when can I see it? You do your homework while waiting to meet him"

" How much you sell it for ?" I asked him since I know the  cheapest land I saw is around 2500-3000 per acre. 

" I sold it for $3500 for that 17 acres land.  That means if I told you, you can get your checkbook ready and pay me full commission."

万能的主,我何德何能, 得你如其厚爱, 慢慢得给我打开智慧之门

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