
President Donald Trump Never Give Up Speech ( 川普总统永不放弃演讲)

(2019-03-05 06:44:46) 下一个

很多年前,二战的时候 丘吉尔说过永不放弃的演讲。 这么多年以后, 听到川普总统说永不放弃的演讲, 激情澎湃啊。

我们不敬拜政府, 我们敬拜神。 


Years from now, some of them might look back and ask themselves whether they have made the right choice. 也许多年以后回想,我们也许会问当年是否做了正确的选择?


Whether they made the most of the opportunities, they have been given. 我们是否充分利用了我们的机会。Together, we have the same mission.  我们有共同的目标。

Over the course of your life, you will find that things are not 。You will find the things happen to you that you do not deserve and that are not always warranted.

But you had to put your head down and fight, fight, fight.  Never, ever, ever, give up.

Don't give in dont' back down and never stop doing what you know is right. Nothing worth doing ever, ever, ever came easy and the more righteous you fight the more opposition you will face.

In your hearts are inscribed the values of service, sacrifice and devotion.  Now you must go forth into the world and turn your hopes and dreams into action. America has always been the land of dreams because America is a nation of true believers. When the pilgrims landed at Plymouth, they prayed. When the founders wrote the Declaration of Independence, they invoked our creator four times.  

Because in America, we do not worship government, we worship god.我们不敬拜政府,我们敬拜神。  It is why our currency proudly declares In God, we trust and it is why we proudly proclaim that we are one nation under god.  这就是为什么我们的美元说我们相信上帝。我们自豪地宣称我们是一个在上帝之下的国家。

The story of America is the story of an adventure that began with deep faith, big dreams, and humble beginnings. The next generation of America leaders, never ever give up.

There will be times in your life. You want to quit, never quit, never stop fighting for what you believe in and for the people who care about you. Carry yourself with dignity and pride. Demand the best from yourself.

The more people  tell you it is not possible, that it can not be done, the more you should be absolutely determined to prove them wrong.

Treat the word impossible as nothing more than motivation. Relish the opportunity to be an outsider. The more that a broken system tells you that you are wrong, the more certain you should be that you must keep pushing ahead. You must keep pushing forward.

And always have the courage to be yourself.  America is better when people put their faith into action.  Pray to God and follow his teachings.  Today each of you begins a new chapter as well, when your story goes from here, it will be defined by your vision, your perseverance, and your grit. You will build a future where we have the courage to chase our dreams no matter what the cynics and the doubters have to say. You will have the confidence to speak the hopes in your heart and to express the love that stirs your soul. As long as you you have pride in your beliefs, courage in your conviction, and faith in god.  Then you will not fail. As long as American remains trust to its values, loyal to its citizen, and devoted to its creator, then our best days are yet to come. May God bless the class of 2017, May god bless the United States of America, and I just want to let you know that God blesses you.  



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