
经典书给所有未婚, 已婚的人 Undressed

(2009-01-04 10:35:49) 下一个
Jason Illian wrote a book called UNDRESSED, the naked truth about love, sex and dating.

It is a great book to read.  It is so down to earth and straightforward.  I can not help laughing when I read it.


1. The best way to extinguish a burning relationship is to have sex. Once a man knows he can have sex without any responsibilities, why would he ever commit to a long-term relationship?

2. If a guy is anxious to put his hands all over you, he does not really respect you. If he really loves you, he should be able to tell you when his hands are not on your butt.

3. Everything is permissible, but not everything is beneficial.

4. Despite what our culture may say, sex is not a basic human need. Food is. shelter is. oxygen is. I have never seen a man's head explode from lack of sex.

There are lots of funny, but truth statements.

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