

going to Feeding with Love program at LAMP,Aug.27,2012

(2012-08-29 23:21:42) 下一个

It was Monday again, as usual we went to the Feeding with Love program at LAMP.


There were two topics today.


First one was talking about Shaken Baby Syndrome-Never shake a baby!


Shaken baby yndrome is a group of symptoms from injuries caused by shaking a baby. Shaking a baby or toddler an cause serious coditions as eye damage or blindness,hearing loss, learning and behavior problems,brain damage,paralysis,or even death.


A baby's head is larger and heavier than the rest of his body,and until a baby is about two years of age or older his neck muscles are not strong enough to support his head.Shaking causes the brain to move around within the skull and to become bruised from hitting agaist bone.This bruising causes swelling,bleeding,and pressure in the brain.Blood vessels can rapture,and nerves can be permanently damaged.


A parent or caregiver may shake a baby out of frustration or anger when trying to stop the baby's crying.A baby may be shaken accidentally in rough play, for example by throwing her up in the air, holding her upside down, or swinging her around. These activities may also cause whiplash.Rarely,a parent or caregiver may shake a baby by jogging or jumping up and down while holding the baby.


Signs of shaken baby syndrome include behavior changes,lethargy,vomiting,decreased appetite or impaired sucking and swallowing,pale or bluish skin,difficult breathing,convulsions or serzures


Parents or caregivers need to know the activities that can cause injuries,always support baby's head when holding her,burping her, and pickng her up or laying her down, recognize anger and frustration before you want to hit or shake the baby. Take a break,put the baby in a crib or playpen for safety and leave the room. If the baby's needs have been met, letting her cry while you calm down is fine.Seek professional counseling to learn coping skills before any damage is done.Do not let anger take the place of the joy you could be experiencing with your baby.If you shake your baby,or you think someone else has, seek medical attention immediately.Call your healthcare provider if your baby has long periods of crying or you have concerns about your baby's behavior or health.


Never never shake a baby-it is a serious topic.


Another topic was Life with a new baby is not always what you expect.


Postpartum blues or baby blues are common. 4 in 5 mothers will have postpartum blues.


A birth of a baby brings physical,emotional and social changes. Adjustments to the new roles and relationships are not always easy.You may feel sad and tearful,feel irritable,exhausted,overwhelmed,have changes in your sleeping or eating pattern.


This is normal.It happens in the first few days or weeks after the baby is born.It will pass in a few days or at the most weeks.It will pass easier if you take care of yourself using strategies and let family and friends help you as well.


Postpartum mood disorders are real.1 in 5 mothers will have a postpartum mood disorder.


Sometimes the blues don't go away. Or you may alo feel this way during the baby's first year.You may feel not yourself,sad and tearful,exhausted,but unable to sleep,have changes in eating and sleeping pattern, feel overwhelmed and can't concentrate,have no interest or pleasure in activities you used to enjoy,feel hopeless or frustrated, restless,irritable or angry,extremely high and full of energy, feel anxious, you may feel this as aches,chest pain,shortness of breath,numbness,tingling or lump in the throat,feel guilty and ashamed, thinking you are not a good mother,not be bonding with the baby,or be afraid to be alone with the baby,have repeated scary thoughts about the baby,hav thought about harming yourself or your baby.


Talk to your health provider if you experiencing the mood disorder.


Postpartum Psychosis is rare.You may have thoughts of harming yourself or the baby,hear or see things that are not there,believe people or things are going to harm your baby,feel confused or out of touch with reality.


Seek help,don't wait, if you experiencing the mood.


Don't blame yourself,ask for help,take care of yourself,take time for yourself,get counseling,consider medication if you are experincing the mood disorders.


Life with a new baby is stressful for the family,always ask for help if you feel depressed or anxious.




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