

going to paediatrician for a vaccine shot and celebrating half y

(2012-07-13 12:42:15) 下一个

Baby is half year today. We went to her paediatrician's office for a six months old vaccine shot.


It was the enhanced shot as last time.


Baby weighed 7.91kg(17.44lbs),percentile 74%, her height 66cm,54% percentile, and her head circum 44.5cm,96% percentile. Dr.Zaazou wants us come back in Aug.for a follow up with the head circum since it is at the high range.Then another vaccine shot in the end of Sept.


Her buddy Norah and her family was at the office too.


After the visit, both families drove to Square One, we were invited to Norah's home for a celebration dinner for the girls' half year birthday.Hurray!


Por Por cooked lots of dishes,even Norman fried a edible fungus with sliced fish, very yummy,por por made chicken meat ball soup and cucumber cold dish,and fried variety veggie, and a roasted duck which bought at San He Cantonese restaurant which was very delicious.


After enjoying an abundant dinner, we went down stair the Square One open air water pool, wow,so nice and cool to be here,the water sprinking like a water fountain, up and down, small and big water shots, then the pool itself with shallow water perfact for small kids,even Norah and my baby could put their little feet down in the water to have fun.A perfact water world in a hot summer day.


We played with water, then sat down on the chair besides the pool to enjoy fruits and of course,a beautiful hello kitty birthday cake-for both girls. So cute.And holding babies on labs,we had small talks just like in the old days,people sat down outside to cool down in the evening in the hot summer days. And we were like going back to China, to the old days with the noises as background-noises made by kids playing water and so many people gathering here.


A beautiful picture that stores in my memory.


So nice to celebrate , a sweet half year birthday, for both little girls. A evening like in my dream.


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