

graduating from Eating for Two program at LAMP March 26,2012

(2012-03-26 21:38:42) 下一个

Today was my graduate day from expectant mom's class at my community center LAMP.The program called Eating For Two and I really enjoyed the time there and learned a lot from the lectures.


I didn't bring baby with me since she is still recovering from a bad flu and I don't want to bring her to crowded places. From next week we will join the Feeding with Love program on each Monday.


I remembered first time I joined the class was last year in June not long after I found out I was pregnent. Since then on each Monday I was looking forward to the class,there I learned knowledge to be a good mom, and socialized there. Even I had breakfast there.Each time,I could have a food voucher as well to do grocery shopping.


Today's topic was Physical Activities.After the vedio show and lecture was done,all of us were asked to do some exercise together. There were benefits of keeping physically active during pregnancy.The most is to have a easy delivery of the baby if you maintain a physically active life.


After the class, I was given a graduate certificate and a cook book.


Thanks all the staff and fellow participants. Bye, mom's class. Joining the classes helped me to give birth to a healthy baby.


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