

Visit my OB Dr.Bhangu Nov.30,2011

(2011-11-30 21:59:46) 下一个

I visit my OB Dr.Bhangu once a week now.


Today the check up was as usual. Urian sample (sugar and protein level tests) was fine.

Weighed 56kgs,didn't gain anything from last time visit.


When I saw Dr.Bhangu, he said I need to do a bacteria test, he did it for me. It was simple and easy. It was done in one minute. Then as usual he checked my blood presure,measured the baby's size, heard the baby's heart beats. Everything was fine.


I asked him do I need to do another ultrasound? He said no need. I asked if I have the contractions started, do I need to call him or the hospital? Do I go to the emergency? He said I don't need to make any calls. Just directly go to Trillim hospital 3rd floor the Delivery&Birth floor where my file already was sent there.


It seems easy to do that. I think I will wait for my contractions in between 5 minutes then I will bring my birth bag and just go.Hope Aaron will be around by the time.


Next appt is in one week Dec.7.


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