

Expectant Mommy's class at community center(5) Nov.28,2011

(2011-11-29 19:55:13) 下一个

Jane accompanied me to the expectant mommy's class again today.


When we got there, it started already,everyone was watching a video Labour & Birth.


I learned a lot from the video about the process of child birth and delivery. There are three stages of child birth. First stage includes pre-labour(the contraction starts,each lasts about 30to 60 seconds and in between contractions about 5 minutes,it is the time to go to hospital),active labour (each contraction lasts about 60 to 90 seconds and in between about 3or 4 minutes) and transition(the contraction becomes stronger,in between about 5 or 6 minutes).The whole process of the first stage may take more than 10 hours for the first time mom and shorter time for the none first time mom.


The second stage is Push and Birth.The baby's head can be seen and the contractions become more intense,when the contraction comes,the mom needs to push really hard,in between contractions about 5 to10 minutes the mom can rest. Then finally the baby slides out,with the crying the baby comes into the world. The whole process takes about 2 to 4 hours.


The last stage is deliverying the placenta. It happens about 20 to 25 minutes after the baby was born. The mom will feel another wave of contraction and then push out the placenta.


It also teach the options of pain control. There are some options that the mom can take. The pain killer injection is well accepted to have no pain delivery but there are some risks for that like back pain, not feeling anything thus lose the sense of pushig etc.


I prefer that we transfer the focus point into somewhere, like bring a picture you like and look at it when you are in pain. Massage or touching, or focus something you are interested in to distract your attention on the pain. Or listening to the music to calm you down.


When I learn the whole process of the natural child birth. I have more confidence to go to child birth myself. I just need to be free of mind, not to worry about it too much, and do it as my body tells me what to do.


After the video, we discuss some questions like how to do if the position of the baby is not good before child birth,what to do if the cord twines around the baby's neck,and to take the pain killer or not to take,which one is better...etc.


We got a flyer about what to bring to the hosptial at the end of the section.




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