

Expectant Mommy's class at community center Oct.31,2011

(2011-10-31 18:03:07) 下一个

Every Monday 9:30am to 11am I go to my Community Center at Fifth Street to attend a expectant mommy's class. I learn a lot from the class. And it is not only free of charge but also you can get a $10 grocery shopping gift card to buy food each time. Ha, I like that.If you take TTC, they will reimburse you the TTC tickets.


And there are always fresh fruits,toasts,cheese for healthy snacks. After snacks and free chats with other expectant moms,staff.We started the topic with warm up stretching exercises and music.


Each time has different topics to cover quite a big range from pregnency to labour,delivery,and new born babies,from food,emotion,physical health to domestic abuse etc.


Today's topic is how the brain develops for a child from 0 to 3 years old.I have learned that from 0 to 3 years old is a very crucial time period of brain development for a child.90% of brain development happens during these 3 years and parents need to do the best to stimulate a child , to enhance the brain to fully develop through touching,reading,talking,singing,modelling to a child.


We watched a good video called I Am Your Child. I was amazed by parents' touching, voices,and caring can do magics on a new born.The more you touch a new born, and happier he/she is.The new born will be attracted by your voices and turn to you the moment he/she was born. They get used to your voices when they were in your tummy.


Also for daddy, they will turn to daddy between a male doctor and dad. They know where is the daddy even their eyes are still closed.


For a premature borned baby, if the parents did lots of massages and touching, then his/her survaval rate will be greatly enhanced.


Read, sing, talk,expose books to a child, he/she will do better in the school in the future.


If you talk to a child from beginning in your mother language, he/she will learn that language too. If a child is exposed to more than one language, when she/he grows up, she will easily to learn a foreigh langage than the one only knows one language.I am going to do the same to my child. I will talk to her in Chinese. I will not let her to forget Chinese.Only Chinese home. Baby.


Parenting is a huge task. And is a huge responsibility. Not easy to do it well. Are you ready?


I don't know. I will just do the best.I want to raise her to be a happy,healthy,kind,responsible,independent,integrity,honest,caring,good sense of humor,out going,positive,active,insistant,down to earth,has a good heart,helping,sympathetic ....person.I will not ask her to be a number one student. To score a grede A. I will just want her to be herself. To have a happy childhood.


Am I asking too much?


Will I be a good parent?


We will see.



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