

129 Anual Police Game and dinner on top of CN Tower 360 restaura

(2011-10-19 13:05:36) 下一个

Each year in this fall season I am coming to Rogers Center to watch Police Game. This year is no difference just my company varied with different people. Surprisingly my hubby Aaron agreed to be my company to watch the show together. Usually he has no interests in these kinds of activities.


We decided to take Go Train instead of driving there. Go Train station is just across the street from my condo. It is very convinient to get to Union Station in downtown Toronto, we took the 1:48pm departure train and in 15 minutes, here we are, at Uniton Station.


We was late for the game after walked through Sky Walk from Union Station to get to Rogers Center. The Superstar Obstacles Course was on. It was Toronto police against Peel region Police, it looked like Toronto Police won. Then the tug war was on, again, Toronto police won. A singer was singing on the stage in the between, as usual, there were military, Peel, Toronto, ..etc different departments' police or military competed to each other. The audiences cheered for their favorite parties and applauded for the winers.


Kids were specially enjoying the games and they were happy to have the balloon, the popcorns and treats on hands. A nice outing for them.


We didn't wait until the games finished. Aaron suggested to walk to King and Church area, he said he read the paper to recommend an Itarian restaurant called Six Steps,we should go to have a try. We walked in relaxing paces, via CN Tower, Young Street, King Street, it was so nice to walk without hurry on such bustling streets. You could feel the life and the cheer floating in the air. We also passed by the blocked Bay Street for the purpose of the destination for the Waterfront Marathon which was taking place.


We even didn't feel too bad even we found out the restaurant whick we was looking for already no more there.We changed mind to back to CN tower to the top- the 360 degrees rotating restaurant to enjoy the view and dinner.


We were so happy to be here. The view and the food were so incredible. We arrived at the 360 restaurant around 5:30pm while it was still day light. Facing right to Lake Ontario and Central island, the airport,watching the airplanes taking off and landed,we started our salad appertizers. It was a fixed 3 courses menu, you could have three choices from the appertizers, the main courses and the desserts. The price was not that bad,per person $55 not including tips and taxes.


It was rotating slowly for 360 degrees, we saw Garnider Express extending further to west end into the sky that no more being seen, we saw the high skysrapers erecting like forest divided by the long straight streets like Young,King, Queens, Bay,University Ave...etc. To the North, the buildings became vague into the horizon. Without our notice, the dusk is arriving, the sunsetting was coloring the clouds into orange and bright yellow color.And then quiukly, the night view replaced the day light, the lights were all on in one second in the darkness to create a wonderful, beautiful ,panoramic night views of colorful downtown Toronto a bustling urban ,metropolitan picture. This was a incredible night view.


Enjoying the night view, we finished our last dish,the delicious desserts, mine was the Chocolate Tower, Aaron had the candied cake and the icecream with syrup. Satisfied, we paid the bill. we took the steps down to the glass floor, sat on the floor to view down,down, the scary experiences.


Walked back to Union station, we took the 8:43pm Go Train back home. A long , happy day for us.






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