yinyangguaiqi2008-07-03 16:30:15回复悄悄话
The United States is the most successful country in terms of brain-wash through political propaganda. This is one of my expriences that involved the so called freedeom of speech.
I watched a program called “Frontline” on PBS channel. It basically exaggerated the situation in Darfur as a “genocide” (but it never showed the concrete evidence in terms of the number of people who were killed). It described how some of the so called “activists” conspired a “Genocide Olympics” with Dalai to force Chinese by humiliating Chinese to join an UN resolution to pressure Sudan government. They were very proud of what they had done and considered the conspiracy a “success”. I wrote a letter and posted to the PBS web site specifically to respond this program right after the show. But what I could see was the letters from other people except for mine. While I was trying to figure out why, I saw a quote saying that they can not publish all of the letters because of the large quantity. Then it says that “we will post the letters after reviewing them and will publish it according to the content the letters cover”. I then read the published ones and found out that almost all of the published letters were one side opinion, which is, UN is useless and China is veil.
美国的学校教室里,没有“热爱。。。”的标语口号,学生也不上政治课。民众爱国的确是自发的。也许,他们会天天指责政府无能,官员无德。但是,他们不会像网上的轮子们一样咒骂自己的国家。 至于说 Freedom of speech, 您发表这篇评论不就是最好的注解吗?
2] "...美国人讲爱国主义就是普世价值,中国人讲爱国主义就是狭隘民族主义...我也想到美国去做一个热爱普世价值的国际主义者..."(from 大陆百姓)
Correction: 美国人讲爱国主义是一个狭隘民族主义;中国人爱讲热爱普世价值的国际主义!!!
“天赋人权,不可侵犯,人类生来自由平等,每个人都具有一些与生俱来的,不可剥夺的基本人权,那就是生命的权力,思想的权力,自由的权力,与追求幸福的权力。政府的组成是为了维护和发扬人的基本人权。 政府由人民选举产生,人民有权监督政府, 政府如果破坏人民的基本人权,人民有权推翻政府,必要时可以使用武力。为了在自己出生的土地上推翻暴政的统治,我们---人民,光荣的具有永远不可剥夺的反抗和革命的权力。”
憨哥的文章图文并茂, 蓝天, 蓝底, 蓝边, 蓝旗,让人的心情特别地舒畅.
其实我们在美国已经把自由和民主习惯成空气一样的东西, 不知不觉了.
中午吃饭的时候, 我把憨哥的文章让我的老板看, 我说我们都喜爱美国,
结果他一高兴, 当即宣布: 下班回家!! 哈哈~~~~
Do you work for US goverment to post comments?
I watched a program called “Frontline” on PBS channel. It basically exaggerated the situation in Darfur as a “genocide” (but it never showed the concrete evidence in terms of the number of people who were killed). It described how some of the so called “activists” conspired a “Genocide Olympics” with Dalai to force Chinese by humiliating Chinese to join an UN resolution to pressure Sudan government. They were very proud of what they had done and considered the conspiracy a “success”. I wrote a letter and posted to the PBS web site specifically to respond this program right after the show. But what I could see was the letters from other people except for mine. While I was trying to figure out why, I saw a quote saying that they can not publish all of the letters because of the large quantity. Then it says that “we will post the letters after reviewing them and will publish it according to the content the letters cover”. I then read the published ones and found out that almost all of the published letters were one side opinion, which is, UN is useless and China is veil.