

(2008-04-28 22:55:46) 下一个

Something old, new, borrowed, black and blue

Pa. newlyweds brawl at hotel, then attack good Samaritans, police say


Something old, new, borrowed, black and blue

good Samaritan
⋯⋯圣经中的“好撒玛利亚人”的故事,描述一个流露同情心的人。在这个撒玛利亚人出发去某城市的途中,看到一个可怜的旅客躺在路旁(found a poor traveler lying on the road)。这旅客被鞭打、抢劫(had been beaten and robbed)。这位仁慈的撒玛利亚人没有视而不见(instead of just passing by),而是停下来帮助这位处于困境中的人(stopped to help this person in need) 。因为传说,Good Samaritan就成了专有名词,用来指“乐善好施的人”。我们中国称之为‘活雷锋’是也!


karate⋯⋯空手道(重音在第二个 a 上)
break up the fight⋯⋯分开那场打斗
disorderly conduct⋯⋯违法行为
arraignment court⋯⋯传讯室
holding cell⋯⋯法院监禁室
wedding gown⋯⋯婚纱
tuxedo pants⋯⋯【美】(男士无尾半正式)晚礼服裤子
preliminary hearing⋯⋯预审

Mon., April. 28, 2008 Associated Press

PITTSBURGH - A couple brawled with one another, then members of another wedding party, hours after they repeated their vows and were headed to a room at a suburban Pittsburgh hotel.

Police say the fight between dentist David W. Wielechowski, 32, and his bride, Christa Vattimo, 25, began as the couple were about to enter their seventh-floor room at the Holiday Inn in Ross Township just north of the city on Saturday night.

The dentist "used a karate-style kick with his leg to kick Christa, knocking her to the floor," the criminal complaint said.

Two guests of another wedding heard the bride's screams and rushed over to help her. But when they restrained Wielechowski, his bride began attacking her rescuers, police said.

The fight traveled from a hallway to an elevator then into the hotel lobby where, police said, the couple threw metal planters containing live plants into an elevator at the men who tried to break up the fight.

"It was pretty wild," Ross police Sgt. Dave Syska said.

Police arrived to find the dentist lying on the floor of the lobby and his bride "yelling loudly" and "apparently highly intoxicated."

Both bride and groom were charged with simple assault, criminal mischief and disorderly conduct. The bride was also charged with public intoxication. She asked a district judge not to require her husband to stay away from her while the charges were pending.

Both refused comment when they left Allegheny County arraignment court Sunday after spending the night in separate holding cells.

The bride, still wearing her wedding gown, was picked up by her father. The dentist left on his own, one eye swollen shut, wearing tuxedo pants, a bloody T-shirt and one shoe.

The couple face a preliminary hearing May 7.

The couple had been married in the Bahamas last month, but repeated their vows Saturday before a reception for 150 guests.

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