When selecting companies to invest in, one needs to be conscious of both demand and supply drivers. Demand drivers look at the availability and need for the cargo being transported while supply drivers look at the ability of ship builders to construct ships for commercial use.
The two primary drivers of demand are trade growth and trade patterns.
Trade Growth (Demand Driver)
Trade Pattern (Demand Driver)
The two primary drivers of supply are ordering and scrapping
Ordering (Supply Driver)
Scrapping (Supply Driver)
Current Outlook Attractive
The demand for shipping capacity has been soaring for years thanks to places like China, India and the Middle East for their increasing needs and participation in global trade; this has pushed freight rates and operator profits up significantly. Luckily, supply of raw materials has kept in pace with demand, and thus has not constrained shipping activity. In addition, fuel costs are promoting a growing number of shippers to consider ocean versus other forms of transport.
A particularly attractive feature of shipping companies is that dividends are generally high and can range anywhere from 5-15% depending on the company; this can add significant bottom-line returns for your portfolio, even if the stock or market underperforms.
台湾的Nobu Su在船运界的任何时期都会是位杰出人物。他看上去十分谦逊,而一位对手对他的描述是“酷爱冒险”。
作 为波动较大、相对新生的运费期货市场上一名熟练的玩家,Su还使自己的公司TMT成为一家油轮及干散货船的主要运营商。2002年父亲去世后他接管了 TMT,此后仅仅6年时间就取得了上述成就。TMT原名台湾海运公司(Taiwan Maritime Transportation),现在被重新命名为Today Makes Tomorrow。
该 公司许多竞争对手认为,TMT努力将船舶租赁费率向着其在远期运费协议(FFA)市场上高风险大额押注的方向推动,而该公司实物船舶的交易策略一定程度上 受到这种努力的左右。竞争对手声称,当TMT押注FFA价格下降时,往往会提供低于市场价格的租船费率。而当TMT押注FFA价格上涨时,又会撤离市场 ——从而降低运力,推高价格。