


(2007-02-20 20:30:40) 下一个
本人在路易丝安那有处房产,去年7月与一名黑人女律师签定租房协议.去年10月收到她第一张NSF (None sufficient Found)check, 并被银行退回. 之后,找到她, 她付了money order. 11月, 在房租due day, 她没有付房租,2周后付了另外一张NSF check, 之后就联系不上她, 尝试过各种途径,她都不予回复. 我本人不在路易丝安那.所以委托我的管理人在她门上贴eviction 通知. 她在此之后非但没有搬走, 反而搬东西进去. 我到法院申请 eviction order. 1月18日拿到eviction oder. 19日(24小时后)她仍然没有出现. 我就把她的东西给清除出我的房子. 但是, 没有constable在场. 清除后我给constable(警察)打电话报告以上情况. 1月23日她忽然出现,并且控告我侵占她的私有财产. 整个过程中,我失误在没有警察在场的情况下清除她的东西. 请问, 我该怎么办? 多谢各位!!!!




等过了几天,我想应该跟我的保险公司了解如何应诉。当我给保险公司打电话时,他们告诉我立刻停止我的一切应诉活动,并将法庭的文件转给他们,同时不要告诉别人这件事。他们并立即指定一个律师和我联系代表我。以后就是和律师会面告诉详细情况,以及律师和对方律师商订上法庭时间等。还有就是签署保险公司的一些文件,其中一个是保险公司被授权可以和对方私了。法庭时间延了两次后,终于确定了。在上法庭之前,有一个对方律师对我question 的appointment,参加的人是对方律师、我方律师、速记员和我。在这个appointment开始之前,我方律师提醒我记得不清楚的可以说 I do not remember。

Anyway, 那次 appointment 以后,我也没有上法庭,保险公司和对方私了啦。我的保险费除了正常的每年上涨外也没有额外上涨。但是这个案子前后拖了一年多,这一年多对我来说造成了一定的心理上的负担。



1) Relax. It is not the end of the world.
2) 不要自己找律师,尽快和保险公司联系;听从保险公司的指令行事。
3) 保险公司指定的律师在和对方打交道是代表您的和保险公司的利益,但同时他又更多的保护保险公司,想找您的错替保险公司推脱责任。所以和律师打交道时要记住他的双重身份。
4) 把细节尽快写下来,并标上日期,因为案子有可能会拖很长,记忆会模糊。
5) 不要害怕。赔偿都是根据damage,所以不会有很多。赔偿越多,越是保险公司给您买单。

6) 只提供应该提供的信息。言多必失。敢说NO,敢说 I DO NOT REMEMBER。绝对不说 I AM NOT SURE。

You will come out of this fine.

--(A) 天下无马
Next time, remember carries a digital camera. Take pictures in all the process:

Where the tenants belongings set at each room
How much damage he caused
Where you moved his belonging to
And always send warning emails (copy yourself) before you take any actions.

In addition to the regular liability insurance, buy an umbrella liability insurance in the amount exceeding 1 million to cover your house, your car and extra rental properties. It is not expensive.

For this time, all other said enough of it. But check with lawyer for any rental law changes. My county recently changed the law that doesnt require police presence but I will always ask for it no matter what. I always sent warning notice to scare the non paying tenants away. It is best not to get into confrontational eviction process.

How can you evict tenant without police? This black lawyer knows all the laws and she is setting up a trap for you to fall in. If you follow the procedure from the county's landlord and tenant office, all of this trouble can be avoided. The general procedure is:
1) Notify tenant that she is late.
2) File suit in District court.
3) Wait for hearing date. About 3 weeks.
4) On hearing, get Judge's order to demand payment.
5) Wait 3 days according to county's regulation.
6) After 3 days if payment is still not received, you go back to Court to apply for Eviction order.
7) After receiving Eviction order, call Police office to arrange eviction date. At this point, no need to notify tenant.
8) On eviction date, appear with 2 police officers to evict together. You may need to hire a moving company to help move out the stuff.

If any of above is followed, you will be violating the law. In this case, you voilated the law, so she can sue you instead. But it remains the fact that she owns you money.

THE BEST THING TO DO IS TO HIRE A GREAT LAWYER TO REPRESENT YOU. Yo have no choice but to spend money.

Every landloard must learn eviction procedure before they can start renting the house.

landlord don't worry too much, long time ago one my friend who got her law degree from UCB sued landlord because the landlord throw her stuff away, the landlord paid her $$ counted by days. Each state has its own laws, but don’t worry too much like you will lose your house. The insurance paid the money in my friend’s case.


If you have to evict a tenant, you must follow proper eviction procedures for removing the tenant and the tenant's possessions from the rental property. Here's how.

STEP 1: Determine valid reasons under local laws for evicting the tenant, such as failure to pay rent, repeated violations or the breach of a lease clause.
STEP 2: Give the tenant adequate written notice that you are terminating his or her tenancy, following state and local eviction procedures.
STEP 3: File a lawsuit to evict the tenant if the tenant does not move or correct violations after receiving a termination notice.
STEP 4: Realize the tenant may mount a defense against your eviction lawsuit, possibly increasing the time of the eviction process. Tips & Warnings
If you win the eviction lawsuit, most states require that tenants receive a written notice to vacate the premises, delivered and served by a law enforcement officer.
Landlords who know their legal rights and comply with local landlord-tenant laws stand the best chance of successfully evicting a tenant.
Consult with local rental housing authorities or a knowledgeable real estate attorney about proper eviction procedures under your state and local laws.
Comply exactly with local and state eviction procedures to avoid costly delays or mistakes in the eviction process.
Avoid taking illegal actions against a tenant, including "self-help" eviction measures like changing the tenant's locks, physically removing the tenant's possessions, or taking retaliatory actions against the tenant.
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