


(2007-02-19 14:27:33) 下一个

来源: 紫燕

看到有些人在打听地皮的买卖, 把我知道的一点皮毛分享一下,希望起到抛砖引玉的作用.

地产属于自然资源, 随着人类社会的发展, 地产资源肯定会越来越少的. 地产和房产最大的不同是在你拥有房产时可以靠出租来打回一部分花费,而地皮只好等着卖掉时才有收益.经常需要长时间的holding来make good money.

Usually you can buy a land in3 ways:

land bank, Land auction,agent

· Landbank

Landbank acquires large-scale parcels of land and resells theland as individual parcels. The company seeks to acquire the majority ofthe land “in-bulk” through tax foreclosure sales and government auctions. The company markets its properties through multiple distribution systems,including internet sales and distribution channels developed by the Company andits affiliates. Landbank has acquisition teams researching and buyingland, houses and lots in a number of states across the country and in Mexico. 总之,如果你拥有一块地, 而且那毛地价值有增长潜力,landbank staff 就会跟你deal.

* Let talk about land auction

先看the list of properties that will be available at theauction. Each property has a brief deion and links where you can seemaps, aerial photos and any legal documents available for that property.

Once you have selected theproperties you are interested in purchasing, go out and thoroughly inspect each parcel. Do your research.Contact the county planning department, speak with local realtors, read througharea real estate ads and decide how much the property is worth. That way at theauction you can set the price for the properties you want, decide your maximumbid before you go into the auction. Know how much you are willing to pay andstick to your guns. If it hits your maximum bid, then stop and wait for thenext parcel you want to come up. If you win the bid and get the price you want,then that is it! You are ready to purchase.

如果你很认真的想bid a land,你需要带

* The first $500 or your purchase needs to be cash or cashiers check.
* The down payment is 15% of the purchase price or $1000, whichever is greater and the remainder of that can be written with a personal check.
* If you chose to finance, there are not prepayment penalties. Also, if you pay off your loan within the first 30 days you pay no interest at all!

Once the paperwork iscomplete, you are a property owner!!!!

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