
Susan_wang’s Posting Highly Recommended & My Comments

(2007-02-24 10:45:41) 下一个

Susan_wang’s posting highly recommended & my comments


From reading past her posts, many of us would now know that Susan_wang is a successful trader, she is a 高手.  Her posts “谨以此文献给不畏艰险、苦苦探询股海真理的散户朋友们” is definitely worth reading, and re-reading. Obviously, her posts is a small portion of what she learned and knows as a successful trader, I hope she and other good traders can write out more. Of course, a lot of what she has learned and mastered, exits only in her soul and mind, difficult to communicate and to be understood. Never-ending practice and self-learning from it is the only key to one’s success.


1. About the stock mkt game




There is no better way for capital mkt to function, as Keynes said, “Fair is foul and foul is fair”.


2. The game is harder and harder

Behind mkt are generations and generations of investors and traders. To survive, all of them have to improve themselves, and making the game harder as a result. “One has to keep learning until he dies”.


3. About trader themselves



By trading, a trader (even the losing one) helps, although unintentionally,   facilitating mkt in its capital allocation and economic signal sensing function. To keep his job and to donate out some of his winnings, a trader has to gain first, and consistently gains.


To gain, first step is not to lose.


4. There will be always trading loss, a good trader can gain much more than what he loses on average, bull or bear mkt.  




Fundamentally and theoretically, there is quite bit of randomness even in index prices in short term, not to mention price ranges of individual stocks.


This is due to constant changes in FA ”天时”, TA “地利”and investors/traders “人和”, and their different combinations. To beat mkt consistently is difficult, if not impossible.  


Trading loss is unavoidable, but it has to be hedged and/or limited, and a lot of less than gain on average.


A good trader has to balance or hedge himself out someway, economically or otherwise in life.  In addition to investing, Buffet also operates real business. Few notice that.


5. Again, it is easier to lose than to gain

1. 财富是什么?它对你自己有何意义?它对别人的实际影响力如何?(真理从来不在字面之中,但好书能帮你接近正确的答案。推荐书籍《金钱传》)
2. 你了解自己吗?你了解别人吗?你了解人性吗?(当然,必须有丰富的人生阅历是前提,推荐书籍《智慧书》)


About mkt:

Adam Smith, Marx and Keynes all have thought about economic resource allocation mechanism (not directly on stock mkt as we know today) in capitalist society, and its limitation. Philosophically, the most rational goal of economic signal sensing, planning and capital allocation has to be realized in the most irrational way in financial mkt (bonds, equities, commodities and currencies), whose functioning is greatly based on the greed and fear, “foul and fair”. Both Marx and Keynes realized the primitiveness of capitalist economy. The life of capitalism is a lot of longer than Marx predicted though, and Keynes had given the life expectancy of capitalism in the range of a few hundred years.     


About trading:

That said, trading is more like a war than anything else in terms of brutality, and it is becoming more popular and more brutal, for at least one reason:


Contrary to common thinking, due to the competition (low returns) and other reasons (gov’t and environmental regulations), more and more business (individual or institutions) come to financial market to invest and compete. If you have any real business experiences (you have to own busines yourself) anywhere now days,  you would know how hard it is to find a good “project” to do, not to mention the increasing red tapes from government.


Governments tend to regulate more in real economy than in financial economy. You don’t really have an environmental and social infrastructure to protect in financial economy, although the latter is more brutal: investing or speculating, your are on your own. Although sometimes and somewhere, CBs will pump up asset prices in financial mkt.    




So the nature of financial mkt makes it more risky: to lose is more likely than to gain. The key to winning is not to lose first. 




6. How to win and trade successfully?


1st level:  心性(类似持久的精神状态)层次


1. 他们都有达观、积极面对困难的心境和心态。这属于人生观和世界观的层次。
2. 他们都是有坚定信仰、不盲从的人。
3. 他们勤奋学习,勇于实践,喜欢面对挑战。
4. 他们善于从自己和他人的经验中学习,从我作起。
5. 他们冷静、耐心与坚韧。
6. 他们有大局观、远见卓识。
7. 他们非常了解自己的缺陷并有有效的制约方法。
8. 他们热爱股市,愿意为自己的事业献身。


“心性”is hard to elaborate and communicate, and even more difficult in English, because you have to experience or have it yourself to know it. I try to give a few examples:


Do you have the will power and confidence to stay with your trading plan in front of onslaught of mkt? Of course, sometimes you just have to change. But very often traders bail out because they are “weak longs” and “weak shorts” in the first place, and they get eaten.


“Will power” comes from you as a person: are you a tough guy? Tough time doesn’t last, but tough man does.


“Confidence” comes partially from your personality, and partially comes from your experience and knowledge. 


2nd level: 方法、理论与理念, and 刀招

I would also add experiences to 刀招, and experience is not just “I have been there and done that”, it is also the learning you picked up from it.


3rd: Different combinations of 心性 and and 刀招


Sometimes I would think Mao, and his two most outstanding generals Lin and Peng, would all be good traders.


Mao is at the highest level of both 心性 and 刀招, needless to say. He is master.


Lin is more a “brain man” than Peng, and Peng is more of 心性 than 刀招.  Lin and Peng are all great generals of different combinations of 心性 and 刀招.


For most of us, it’s hard to be Mao, but probably possible to be Lin or Peng. Different combinations of 心性 and 刀招 would all work, but you can’t have gaps, significantly lacking in any one of them. That's one of reasons that economists are not necessarily good investors/traders, they have gaps. 




Back to the philosophy of financial mkt and its players:


For mkt, the most rational is realized with the most irrational;

For players, to become a successful speculator is not to speculate on the way there: we have to constantly work on our soul, will and mind, through practice and theory, one bit and piece at a time, and as long as we live.

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