
皮皮是不是生病啦! 着急呀!

(2007-02-10 10:07:28) 下一个
前两天在皮皮身上发现很多跳瘙。 我们急坏啦。 当天给他洗了个澡。
第二天, 给他又洗了一个flea bath, and gave some flea control drops
on his fur.

Poor Pipin, he really does not like taking shower, crying all the time.
However, he did hirt us at all, just tried to open the door of the bath
tub. After the shower, he refused to be dried by the dryer. I hold him
for a long time. He was shaking for the whole moring.

After two days, he is still not as hyper as before. I feel he breaths a little
faster. Before, he will make us run after him for a long time. Now he seems
quite tired. And this moring I found his poopoo on the sofa.

This has never happened even when he is really young. And some time the
even the door is closed by the wind, he will hold it untill we came back. Then
he poopoo or pee in the box.

I am really worried! But he eat and drink normally!!

Any suggestion?

sorry for typing in English!

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