2007 (357)
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回复 'nightrider' 的评论 : By the way, your ho...
nightrider You sound like some juvenile delinqu...
回复 '茵茵梦湖' 的评论 : You must not have tak...
@sufficient: It is only appropriate for the vul...
To sufficient: 台湾当年也是盗版猖獗,这点读三毛时...
MacAuthur? stop glorifying a self-glorifying busta...
历史给了中国百年機遇,最后还是弄了个奴隶制 .
MacArthur’s most glaring success was also his mis...
国内一个杂志约稿,《带着女儿去旅行》,把这些老照片挖出来晒一下。 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16)