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(2008-10-12 12:30:09) 下一个
avoir la tringle to have a hard-on.
Vache [L vacca cow] f 1. cow; 2. vulg. woman of large breast.
Turlute f blowjob.
avoir la trique to be horny as hell
se sucer la pomme (la poire) fam. to kiss

Pute [from L putidus rotten, stinking] f 1. whore, b*tch, cowtart, hooker; 2. vulg. woman (derogatory).

Sucer [from L sugere to suck] vt to suck.
se sucer la pomme (la poire) fam. to kiss. See embrasser.
Popaul (popol) m colloq. dick. See pénis.

Pipe [VL *pipa pipe, from L pipâre to peep, of imit. origin] f 1. pipe; 2. slang blowjob. See also turlute.
Faire une pipe. To give a blowjob.

Accouplement [from ad- to(ward) and couple couple] m form. sexual intercourse. See ça-va ça-vient, coït, copulation, sexe.
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