
JPM plays \'Hide the sausage\'(rasputin)

(2008-01-16 06:59:48) 下一个
JPM plays "Hide the sausage"rasputin
NEW 1/16/2008 4:25:16 AM
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So,JPM just reported 4th quarter results. In the release they claim theyare ONLY writing down $1.3 billion, as reflected in this statement:

"Investment Bank fourth-quarter results declined significantly. Results included:

- Markdowns of $1.3 billion (net of hedges) on subprime positions, including subprime CDOs"

However, if you take a closer look at the thirty-five page supplement, released separately, the link to which is here:

We sure hope the sheeple won't wade through this thick-as-molasses report

..youwill find, buried on page twenty-seven, that their exposure towholesale loans,subprime loans, credit card loans, automobile loans and"other" loansis:


(AndI can't even find the reference to the CDOs--perhaps they are lumped inthe "other" category or buried somewhere else in the report--so theexposure might be higher).

So, ya gotta ask yourself if youbelieve that JPM is soooo special, soooo different that they are onlytaking a $1.3 billion hit ("net of hedges" of course, so let's hopethat their counterparties aren't bankrupt) in credit losses.

Frankly, I don't.

Inany event. CNBC is spinning this release as some sort of positive newsand JPM's stock actually bounced up a little bit in the futures.

Will it be enough to save the markets today?

I'll let you be the judge.
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