宗教教育 |
送交者: 圆融 2007年10月16日12:31:52 于 [儿童成长]http://www.bbsland.com |
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宗教教育: 宗教百典 人人都自食其行为之果。 《薄伽梵往世书》10:413(印度教) Everybody reaps the fruit of his own deeds.
谁放走他的机遇,也不掌握时机,谁就再也找不到恰当的时间去行动,虽然他兢兢业业劳碌不已。 《摩诃婆罗多》12·103:30(印度教) Hewho lets slip his opportunity, and turns not the occasion toaccount,finds not again the fitting time for action,though he maystrive to ????ute his work.
行善惟在今日。 《摩诃婆罗多》12·277:14(印度教) Do today what is for thy good.
哦,众人哪,你们要留神,免得成为那种给别人以善言,而自己却忘记遵循的人。 《巴哈安拉作品集粹》128(巴哈依教) Take heed, O people,lest ye be of them that give good counsel to others but forget to follow it themselves.
富裕的时候要慷慨大方,身处逆境时要心中宽慰。要叫邻居值得依赖你,要以欢快友善的面容待之。要作穷人的宝库,要作富人的劝诫者,要回答困苦中人的哭泣。 《巴哈安拉作品集粹》130(巴哈依教) Begenerous in prosperity,and thankful in adversity. Be worthy of thetrust of thy neighbor, and look upon him with a bright and friendlyface. Be a treasure to the poor, an admonisher to the rich, an answererof the cry of the needy.
诵经的人比不念书的人好,记住的人比诵经的人好,懂得的人比记住的人好,遵行的人比懂得的人好。 《摩奴法典》12:103(印度教) Studentsof the books are more distinguished than the ignorant, those whoremember them surpass the students, those who possess a knowledge ofthe meaning are more distinguished than those who only remember thewords, men who follow the teaching or the books surpass those whomerely know their meaning.
不要让你的耳朵去听任何不可听的事。 《塔木德·德希里姆》1:4(犹太教) Do not permit thy ear to hear anything to which it is not able to listen.
要使学习成为经常之事;要少说话多办事;要对所遇的每个人都友好。 《塔木德·艾博特》1:15(犹太教) Make thy study a regular thing; say little and do much; and meet every man with a friendly mien.
哪里有生命,哪里就有希望。 《塔木德·贝拉赫特》9:1(犹太教) While there is life there is hope.
理想的人具有男人的力量和女人的同情。 《佐哈尔》4:145(犹太教) The ideal man has the strength of a male and the compassion of a female.
我们今生的行为是墨,我们今生的心灵是纸,我们把善与恶两种笔迹写在上面。 《贾卜吉》1(锡克教) In this life our actions are the ink and mind the paper, We inscribe on it the two writings of good and evil.
真理是一切美德中最高的,但是比真理更高的是合乎真理的行为。 《贾卜吉》21(锡克教) Truth is the highest of all virtues, but higher than truth is true conduct.
人应当成为每一个人的朋友,此之谓人的天性;人也应当引导众人行善,此之谓人的智慧;人还应当爱人如己,此之谓人的信仰。 《宗教审判》94:6(袄教) Oneis to become a friend of every one, and this is thy nature; also, bringthem on into good-ness, and this is thy wisdom; also, consider them asthine own, and shis is thy religion.
凡事来临,要彻底理解,其为善功还是罪过。如果行事而不知这点,虽为善功,却也变成罪过。 《百事论》27:2(袄教) Ifany affair comes forward, that they should throughly understand whetherit be a good work, or a sin. If they perform any affair without knowingthis, although it be a good work, it becomes a sin for them.
人最关心的当是:化邪恶为正义,化无知为有知。 《沙雅斯特·那-沙雅斯特》20:6(袄教) The greatest concerns of men are these: to make him who is wicked righteous; and to make him who is ignorant learned.
你相信什么,就要坚定不移;你说过什么,就要言行一致。 《便西拉智训》5:9(犹太-基督教) Be certain about what you believe and consistent in what you say.
说的要少,做的要多! 《塔木德·艾博特》1:15(犹太教) Say little and do much!
智者不悲生者,不悲死者, ——因为生与死俱将逝去。 《薄伽梵歌》2:11(印度教) The wise grieve not for those who live; and they grieve not for those who die -for life and death shall pass away.
切莫对别人的死亡幸灾乐祸,须知我们所有的人都不免一死。 《便西拉智训》8:7(犹太-基督教) Do not be happy over the death of anyone; remember all of us must die.
死的恐惧叫人哀伤,乃是因为对灵魂一无所知。 《塞克斯图格言》Ⅻ·28:10(诺斯替教) The fear of death grieves man because of the ignorance of the soul.
人之将死,其言也真。 《塔木德·巴巴卡玛》9:7(犹太教) A man does not tell lie in the hour of death.
行一件善事的人,将得十倍的报酬;作一件恶事的人,只受同样的惩罚。 《古兰经》6:160(伊斯兰教) He that does a good deed shall be repaid tenfold; but he that does evil shall be reward with evil.
诚实的行为好像一棵树,结出奇异的果子。 《所罗门智训》3:15(犹太-基督教) Honest deeds are like a tree that bears marvelous fruit.
神必照各人的行为报应各人。 《罗马书》2:6(基督教) God will reward every person according to what he has done.
在诚实待人,那你就会无往而不胜。 《多比传》4:6(犹太-基督教) Be honest, and you will succeed in whatever you do.
如果你们行善,那末,你们是为自己而行善;如果你们作恶,那末,你们是为自己而作恶。 《古兰经》17:7(伊斯兰教) If you do good, you do it for your own soul; if you do evil, you do it to yourself.
出离恶道,克行善事;谋求和平,锲而不舍。 《克雷芒致哥林多人一书》11:4(基督教) Depart from evil and do good; Seek peace and ensue it.
于己不善,勿施于人。 《沙雅斯特·那-沙雅斯特》13:29(袄教) Do not unto others all that which is not well for oneself.
善行必能消除恶行。 《古兰经》11:114(伊斯兰教) Good deeds make amends for sins.
审慎者常于行、思、言三处精进,而利泽众生。 《毗湿奴往世书》Ⅲ·12:45(印度教) A considerate man will always cultivate in act, thought and speech that which is good for living beings.
你当离恶行善,就可以永远安居。 《诗篇》37:27(犹太-基督教) Depart from evil, and do good; So shall you abide for ever.
诸恶莫作,诸善奉行, 自净其意,是诸佛教。 《法句经》22(佛教) Not to commit any sin, to do good, to purify ine’s mind: That is the teaching of all the awakened.
顺行正道,勿随邪业, 行住卧安,世世无患。 《法句经》21(佛教) Follow the law of virtue; do not follow that of sin. The virtuous rests in bliss in this world and in the next.
你手若有行善的力量,不可推辞,就当向那应得的人施行。 《箴言》3:27(犹太-基督教) Withhold not good from them to whom it is due, when it is in the power of thine hand to do it.
你们要小心,不可将善事行在人的面前,故意叫他们看见。 《马太福间》6:1(基督教) Be careful not to do your good deeds in the sight of men in order to be observed by them.
那仅丧失财富的,不因丧失而痛苦。但是,那失去善行的,就是真的丧失了。 《摩诃婆罗多》5·36:29(印度教) Let a man maintain good conduct. Riches come and go. He whose wealth only is lost, suffers no loss. But he who loses his good conduct, is indeed lost.
没有德性,哪有美德? 没有德性,人的生命也就丧失了。 《古鲁·那纳克的颂歌》1:5-6(锡克教) What happiness is there without virtue? Human life is lost without virtue.
没有谁行善反得恶果的。 《摩诃婆罗多》5·46:20(印度教) None who performs good deeds, comes to an evil end.
不要为自己的事情奔忙;你们要全神贯注于凡能使全人类获得幸福、使人类心灵和灵魂纯洁的事务上面。最能够作到这点的乃是纯洁与神圣的行为、合乎道德的生活与良好的行为。 《巴哈安拉作品集粹》43(巴哈依教) Donot busy yourselves in your own concerns; let your thought be fixedupon that which will rehabilitate the fortunes of mankind and sanctifythe hearts and souls of men. This can best be achieved through pure andholy deeds, through a virtuous life and good behavior.
凡是自己不愿承担的,也不要加在别人的灵魂上,凡是自己不欲得到的,不要叫别人得到。这是我给你的最好的教导,但愿你能够奉行。 《巴哈安拉作品集粹》56(巴哈依教) Laynot on any soul a load which ye would not wish to be laid upon you, anddesire not for any one the things ye would not desire for your-selves.This is my best counsel unto you, did ye but observe it.
不要为人不公,要对一切人展示全部的温和。要作夜行人的一盏明灯、悲哀者的一份快乐、焦渴者的大海、落难者的港湾、被压迫者的支持者和卫士。要叫诚实与正直在你一切行为中显示出来。要作外乡客的家园、受苦之人的油膏、流浪者的堡垒。 《巴哈安拉作品集粹》130(巴哈依教) Beunjust to no man, and show all meekness to all men. Be as a lamp untothem that walk in darkness, a joy to the sorrowful, a sea for thethirsty, a haven for the distressed, an upholder and defender of thevictim of oppression. Let integrity and uprightness distinguish allthine acts. Be a home for the stranger, a balm to the suffering, atower of strength for the fugitive. |