What Future Does the Credit Crunch Bring?
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As the general public is fed old financial news day in and day out byTV, news of what happened already, let’s look at some forward-lookingcurrent facts.
Themost important data release yesterday was the weekly Federal Reservecommercial paper outstanding number. Asset-backed commercial paper fella further 3.1% for the week to $966.7 bln. Overall commercial paperoutstanding fell by $54.1 bln. Total commercial paper outstanding hasfallen 13.4% in one month. During the 2001 downturn, commercial paperpeaked in November 2000 and slid through to December 2003. Over thatthree-year period it declined by only 22%.
15-day commercialpaper is yielding 6.3%, 90 basis points higher than a month ago.Treasuries are 200 basis points below these levels.
Credit in the system is contracting fast. As a result, signs of weakness in the economy will appear fast. ..