
After the Golden Age(ZT)

(2007-07-13 22:28:45) 下一个
by smokey

Man is forever searching for some continuity over which he has power.

But,since continuity does not exist in reality, he tries to emulate itsexistence by creating a complex of continuity over which he hascontrol. Gated communities are an example of these machinations.

Gatedcommunities however, can only maintain continuity if the barbariansoutside the gates are preoccupied with anti-continuity diversions suchas survival, sex, drugs and rock-and-roll.

Our financial sectoris a form a gated community in that it tries to maintain continuity byforcing volatility, the fear of risk, into the future by exponentiallyexpanding amounts of credit.

The problem with gated communitiesis that the barbarians outside the gates can only be pacified as longas the inmates of the gated community are willing to share just enoughof their capital to allow the party outside to roll on.

At acertain point in this fantasy however, the inmates begin to believethat the false continuity within the walls of the gated community isReality, and that there is no reality outside the gates. It is thenthat the inmates neglect to keep the party outside the gates ramblingalong.

And when the music stops and the drugs stop flowing, thebarbarians begin to wake up from their stupor and start looking aroundfor a few unsold Hummers and F250's with which to crash through thegates.
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