
'Buy, Buy Baby'-how toy and media corporations manipulate the in

(2007-06-27 08:33:57) 下一个
Book Description(ZT)
It’s no secret that toy and mediacorporations manipulate the insecurities of parents to move theirproducts, but Buy, Buy Baby unveils the chilling fact that thesecorporations are using— and often funding—the latest research in childdevelopment in order to sell things directly to babies and toddlers.Thomas offers other, perhaps even more unnerving epiphanies: the lackof evidence that “educational” shows and toys provide any educationalbenefit at all for young children; and the growing evidence that someof these products actually impair early development, and could harm ourkids socially and cognitively for life. Underlying these revelations isa dangerous economic and cultural shift: our kids are becomingconsumers at alarmingly young ages and suffering all the ills thatrampant materialism used to visit only on adults—from anxiety tohyper-competitiveness to depression. Thomas blends prodigious reportagewith an empathetic voice. Her two daughters were toddlers while shewrote this book, and she never loses sight of the temporal andemotional challenges that parents face.

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