
Reading/writing for a G7(ZT)

(2007-06-18 00:15:18) 下一个
Reading/writing for a G7

送交者: gd2 2005年8月01日06:05:48 于 [儿童成长]http://www.bbsland.com

1. I have yet to know a single good writer who is not a good reader. So, just concentrate on reading
for the time being.

2. Most G7's are still struggling at the Elementary reading level, with some at the Inspectional or
Analytical level. Very few are taught and able to do the Syntopical level of reading. This is not
that bad, considering most of US high school graduates are still at the E level:-)

3. It is my observation that if kids are still at E by the time they start G9, they are likely to
stay at E for a long time in their life.

4. Given the current reading environment at US schools, I am afraid that to most parents it all comes
down to this question: In addition to "giving them books and allocating reading time", what else
a parent will be willing and able to do to lift kids out of the E level?

5. There is no one-size-fit-all solution to kids' reading, and every case is very personal.

This is intended to keep my promise to a G7 parent--so, don't get too excited even if you love to
kill time on a work day.

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