To the honest, hardworking, but financially inexperienced:
(2007-06-14 12:17:37)
I have done my best to warn you of the danger of chasing the
空手套白狼 game which has been over-hyped here.
Now that the market has done its job. Yesterday marks the end
of the Denial phase of this bubble. Even the hardest-core hypers
here have had to admit, at least deep in their heart, that their
golden days are over. Yes, their anger and frustration have had to
go somewhere; and I am not surprised to see that I am their choice
as they have long viewed me as "拆台". I have seen this kind of
behaviors before-the latest being at the end of the Denial phase
of the stock bubble. It is normal part of any mania.
The fact that 空手套白狼 was hyped until the very last moment serves to
remind you that the sure way to get you separated from your hard-
earned money is to follow the herd at the end of a mania.
Take care while I will return to my old interest of kids'edu.