Thought that I should post this out because I've got quite a lot of mails telling me that the older version of CMS Grabber is no longer working. This is because RapidShare is constantly changing their code and Team CMS had to do the same in order for their Grabber to work. Team CMS has released an updated
CMS Grabber 1.4.7A Reloaded that is able to handle unlimited and simultaneous downloads from RapidShare.

What's new in CMS Grabber 1.4.7A
- added Link Convertor (Tools Menu). Currently it supports and rapidsafe. More services will be added soon.
- and of course it works with the latest changes in RapidShare
If you got the an error message saying that it has detected that the copy you downloaded is not downloaded from the author's site, try deleting grabber.ini file. If still doesn't work, visit CMS Grabber site for latest updates.
UPDATE 20-DEC-2006: Updated to CMS Grabber 1.4.7B which has a better captcha visibility. You can click on the captcha to view it in full size.
[ Download CMS Grabber 1.4.7B Reloaded ]
Password to extract the .rar file: