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2007.3.27 I Have Signed the Preliminary Contract

(2007-03-27 03:35:33) 下一个

Today is 27th March 2007. I took a day off to attend our preliminary contract meeting. We are one more step closer to our dream home.


 Be we went to the meeting, I had read through all items and prepare a big list of what we wanted to upgrade, price discrepancy between my contract draft and the promotion price. By doing this, we understand that there can be a trap if you are not carefully verify what you should get. The sale consultant may have forgotten to give you discount price.


The girl we dealt with is called Bianca. She has got six years working experience in her field. So I did not have much hassle to sort out all my latest upgrade requirements and questions.


The meeting went on for three and half hours. We went through all items of the preliminary contract and cleared up all unsolved issues. At the last, we have taken some upgrade items such Ceasar stone bench top,


My wife and myself went to Metricon to sigh the .

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