How to choose and buy a house is a very big question. It involves a lot of homework and research. I have done a bit homework recently and found some web site useful. I am here to share it with you guys and hope to get some useful feedbacks.
There are a few questions we need to ask ourselves before we start looking.
1. How much can I afford – This vary from person to person. For example, you may be the first home buyer, or you may be looking for your second house for investment purpose.
2. Once you know your spending money, then what suburb you are willing to live. There are some facts you need to take into account. For example, is it close train station or bus stop? Is it close shopping centre or other facilities such as schools, does it have growth potential and how fast it can be.
3. What kind tools you can use to find information – For this question, I will provide you some useful websites.
I have listed all website below just for your reference. You may have already known them. If you know any other useful site, please, please let me know . Thanks in advance.
1. Home price guide – It shows recent transaction from your searching suburbs. You need to enter your post code to find targeted suburbs.
http://homepriceguide.com.au/auction_results/index.cfm?source=apm&cb=0207114901Once you check that, you will have some how much you need to pay in that area.

Also, you may check the house price by using following link. Here is same results.
2. Everyone knows following web site. That is the source where you can find house in what area and what price.
http://www.realestate.com.au/cgi-bin/rsearch?s=vic&t=res&snf=rbs&a=sf3. You may wonder what you house looks like or any parks near your house. Well Google maps may give you some idea. You can just type your address in the search bar.
http://maps.google.com/4. After all these, you short list your target house. You are wondering how big the land is, use following site. Please note, this is for people who is looking for house in Victoria.