

(2007-09-15 05:36:22) 下一个





(一)第一阶段: 引蛇出动


(1)宣布中国再次进入内战状态(the resumption of civil war)




(i) 界定台海之战是一国之内战,外人不应干涉;
(ii) 宣布中国再次进入内战状态,但先不采取行动,无人能谴责中国;
(iii) 既然中国再次进入内战状态,中国就可以在需要的时候采取行动,不需要的时候就不动,中国可以灵活进行台海之战.







再次提一下中国决胜台海的三张牌: 大陆民意,国际外交和军事斗争。


There are many things Mainland can do regarding the gradual independence of Taiwan by CSB.

We ought to realize that it is a game played by CSB, step-by-step, little-by-little towards independence. If Mainland did not respond to a small step, then another small step follows. This way he will not get the condemnation by USA. Eventually, the independent Taiwan is a fact not a political argument anymore. This is his strategy.

Well, if he plays the game, why not mainland also plays the same game, if independence is gradual, unification can be gradual too. Force can be gradual too. The first thing mainland can do is to declare the resumption of civil war. The civil war between the PRC government and ROC government was never officially ended. Simply declare the war again and make no military move, so nobody will condemn you anything.

Many people say President Bush is stupid. Actually, I think he is really smart politically, he declared the war on terrorism. If he needs it, it is a war, if he doesn’t need it, it is not a war. Why not Mainland does the same thing, declare the resumption of civil war, life goes on as usual, if CSB does something politically, then Mainland does something militarily too.

The second thing Mainland can do is to prosecute CSB under the anti-secession law in the Mainland. Let the world know that it is one country, the law applies to him too.

I do not know how to input Chinese. I wish someone will translate this into Chinese and post to as many places as possible so that the Mainland government will get the idea.


Ask the Two Conferences to authorize the resumption of the civil war.

You do not need to have any military movement at this moment. After declaring war, in the future, if he do something towards independence, shoot a missile or two to a no-man place in Taiwan as response, since it is a war, you will not have the blame neither the high pressure from other countries.

Here is another story.

Several years I was working in a university. The university Foundation has a lady from Taiwan. She was married to a Japanese. She organized a meeting called “Formosa Independence Forum”. At that time, many Chinese students went to the forum to protest, there was even a little violence. When I found out she was the organizer, I wrote a letter to the Foundation. “As a citizen, taxpayer and alumni, I strongly feel she abused her power and abused public resources for her personal political agenda. I demand an investigation on this incident. Or I will request the State Budgeting Office to do the investigation and I reserve all legal rights to pursue it further.”

After some time, the Foundation replied me “Our investigation found no wrong-doing of her, however, she moved to another position in the university and is no longer with the Foundation.” The forum was never held again.
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