
Rank College Average MCAT(Bio Phys Verb) Average GPA

(2010-01-15 21:22:45) 下一个
Rank College Average MCAT(Bio Phys Verb) Average GPA1 Harvard University 12 12 11 3.892 Johns Hopkins 12 12 11 3.863 Washington U in St Louis 12 12 11 3.894 Univ of Penn 12 12 11 3.825 Univ of CA - San Francisco 12 12 11 3.806 Univ of MI -Ann Arbor 12 12 11 3.817 Duke University 12 12 11 3.817 Stanford 12 12 10 3.808 Baylor College of Medicine 12 12 11 3.809 Univ of TX Southwestern Med Center - Dallas 12 12 11 3.8510 Univ of CA- Los Angeles 12 12 10 3.7811 Vanderbilt University 12 12 11 3.7712Yale University 12 12 11 3.7513 Univ of CA - San Diego 12 12 11 3.7614 Columbia University 12 12 11 3.7015 University of Pittsburgh 11 11 11 3.7316Mount Sinai 12 12 11 3.6517 Emory 11 11 11 3.7818 Case Western 11 11 11 3.5919 University of Colorado 11 11 11 3.7820 New York University 12 12 11 3.7321 Northwestern University 12 12 11 3.6822 Cornell University 12 12 11 3.7223 University of Washington 11 10 10 3.7024 University of Rochester 11 11 11 3.6825 University of Chicago 11 11 10 3.6626 University of Virginia 11 11 11 3.7227 Univ of Wisconsin-Madison 11 11 10 3.8128 Albert Einstein - Yeshiva U 11 11 10 3.6929 Oregon Health Science 11 10 11 3.6530 USC- Keck School 11 11 11 3.6131 Ohio State University 11 11 11 3.7532 Univ of MA-Worcester 11 11 11 3.6233 Univ of NC-Chapel Hill 11 10 10 3.6534 Univ of MD-Baltimore 11 10 10 3.6935 University of Iowa 11 10 10 3.7936 Univ of Al -Birmingham 10 10 10 3.7637 Boston University 11 11 10 3.6638Univ of MN-Twin Cities 11 10 10 3.7140 Dartmouth Medical School 11 11 11 3.6641 University of CA - Davis 11 11 10 3.6142 University of CA-Irvine 11 11 10 3.6443 University of Florida 11 10 10 3.7744 University of Cincinnati 11 10 10 3.5945 University of Connecticut 11 11 10 3.6846 Indiana Univ-Indianapolis 10 10 10 3.7347 Stony Brook University 11 11 10 3.6548 University of Miami 10 10 10 3.7549 Jefferson Medical College 11 10 10 3.5750 Wake Forest University 10 10 10 3.6051 Medical College of WI 10 10 10 3.7052 University of Utah 10 10 10 3.6653 Brown University 11 11 10 3.6454 Georgetown University 11 10 10 3.6455 Tufts University 11 11 10 3.5756 Tulane University 11 10 10 3.4757 UMNDJ-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School 11 10 10 3.6758 University of Kentucky 10 10 10 3.7259 St Louis University 11 10 10 3.6960 University of TX-Galveston 10 10 9 3.7561 University of Illinois 10 10 10 3.5162 Univ of TX Medical School Houston 10 10 10 3.6563 Wayne State University 10 10 10 3.6064 SUNY - Downstate 11 11 10 3.5765 Penn State University 10 10 10 3.7066 Virginia Commonwealth 10 10 10 3.5567 Univ of South Florida 10 10 10 3.6968 University of AZ-Tucson 10 9 10 3.7969 Mayo Medical School 11 11 11 3.9070 UMDNJ-New Jersey Medical School–Newark 10 10 10 3.5171 University of Vermont 10 10 10 3.4872 Texas A&M University 11 9 10 3.7773 Medical College of GA 10 10 10 3.6274 Medical University of SC 10 9 10 3.6075 Loyola University Chicago 10 10 10 3.6876 Univ of TX-San Antonio 10 9 10 3.5477 University of Buffalo 10 10 10 3.5678 Loma Linda School 10 10 10 3.7279 SUNY - Upstate 10 10 10 3.6580 Temple University 10 10 10 3.5681 Medical University of Ohio 10 10 10 3.6582 University of Nebraska 10 9 10 3.7883 University of Memphis 10 9 10 3.6784 LA State -New Orleans 10 9 10 3.7385 Drexel University 10 10 10 3.5186 Univ of Oklahoma 10 9 10 3.7387 George Washington Univ 10 10 10 3.688 New York Medical College 10 10 10 3.5189 University of Louisville 10 9 10 3.6790 University of New Mexico 10 9 10 3.5291 Creighton University 10 10 10 3.7592 University of Kansas 10 9 10 3.7293 Uni of South Alabama 10 10 10 3.6594 Univ of Arkansas 9 9 10 3.6195 Albany Medical College 10 10 10 3.5296 University of Mississippi 10 9 10 3.7897 Univ of Missouri–Columbia 10 9 10 3.7698 University of Hawaii 10 10 9 3.6599 University of Nevada 10 10 9 3.69100 Morehouse School 9 8 9 3.29101 Uniformed Services Univ of the Health Sciences 10 10 10 3.55102 East Virginia Medical S 10 10 10 3.41103 Meharry Medical College 9 8 8 3.15104 University of Puerto Rico 9 7 8 3.69105 University of South Dakota 9 9 10 3.75106 Michigan State University 10 10 9 3.41107 West Virginia University 10 9 9 3.70108 East TN State University 10 9 10 3.73109 University of SC 10 9 10 3.56110 Louisiana State-Shreveport 9 9 9 3.75111 Rosalind Franklin Univ of Medicine and SC - ChicagoMedical School 10 10 9 3.4112 Texas Tech University 10 10 9 3.57113 Wright State University 10 9 9 3.57114 Howard University 8 8 8 3.32115 University of North Dakota 10 8 9 3.54116 Brody School of Medicine-East Carolina University 10 9 9 3.62117 S. Illinois -Springfield 9 8 9 3.58118 Marshall University 9 8 9 3.49119 Northeastern Ohio Univ 9 9 9 3.71120 Mercer University 9 8 10 3.59121 Fl State U–Tallahassee 9 8 9 3.76122 Ponce School of Medicine 8 7 7 3.4123 University of MN-Duluth 9 8 9 3.55
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