
从MOAB路经过Capital Reef National Park,到达Torrey,然后进入SR12。 这是一条非常美丽,风景无限的路经,建议筒子们有机会一定到那条路上走一遭。注意你要是从北向南开的话,风景多在东面,也就是driver site;而从南向北开的话,passenger site的以尽情地看风景了。

这条路还经过Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monumen,占地1.9 million亩。下面这段是我从网上扒下来的介绍,供参考:
The Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument’s vast and austere landscape embraces a spectacular array of scientific and historic resources. This high, rugged, and remote region, where bold plateaus and multi-hued cliffs run for distances that defy human perspective, was the last place in the continental United States to be mapped.
Even today, this unspoiled natural area remains a frontier, a quality that greatly enhances the Monument’s value for scientific study. The Monument has a long and dignified human history: it is a place where one can see how nature shapes human endeavors in the American West, where distance and aridity have pitted against our dreams and courage.
Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument spans nearly 1.9 million acres of America’s public lands. From its spectacular Grand Staircase of cliffs and terraces, across the rugged Kaiparowits Plateau, to the wonders of the Escalante River Canyons, the Monument’s size, resources, and remote character provide extraordinary opportunities for geologists, paleontologists, archeologists, historians, and biologists in scientific research, education, and exploration.

经过Open Ranch

在Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monumen行驶,路是在山顶,视野很开阔。


从Staircase-Escalante 出来,擦边穿过BryceNP。去过BryceNP好几次了,这次就没作停留,也没照太多的PP。
从NPs出来,拐了个弯去了Sand Hollow SP。红山石,近红色的湖水,Sand Bearch的细沙也是红色的。

Campground的每个camp site都隔的挺远。周围的景色也很宽阔,一眼望出去至少有NN miles:
