
Annie Seemed Getting More Mature

(2009-03-06 17:22:46) 下一个

Annie seemed getting more mature lately. Here are some signs:

No. 1. On a Friday night, she came upstairs from basement and asked me, "Mommy,

Can I go to Lisa's house on Saturday at 11 o'clock? She asked me, and I already emailed her back, telling her I am going. "

I was stunned, "Hi, then why do you ask me if you already promised her?"

She smiled.

In my memory, this was the first time she made this kind of decision without asking for permission from me first. How did I feel about it? Well, I was stunned, as I said earlier, but in the meantime, I was fine with this change. She is getting older and should be more independent.

Well, she is getting more independent for sure. Here is what happened two days later.

No.2 Right after she came back from school, she declared, "Mommy, I am going to Dominicks to buy some food coloring, then go to Emma's house to work on our science project!"

What can I say? She already made a plan with her friend. Just let her go!

No.3. Lately, she became more polite and appreciative. Whenever I cooked some good food, tugged her into bed, or helped her fix a little things, she always said "Thank you!" I am very pleased to see this change her. She is a lovely girl!

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