
2016 resolution item 1 - reading challenge from Helmet

(2016-01-03 18:28:59) 下一个



Helmet reading challenge 2016

Helmet-lukuhaaste 2016

The popularity of this year’s challenge has inspired us to continue challenging readers. That is why we have created a new reading challenge for 2016 called Helmet reading challenge 2016. Just like in 2015, the new challenge is a collection of 50 items or different criteria for choosing what you read.

Both the participants of the 2015 reading challenge and library staff have suggested new items and many of them made it also to the list. The aim has been to create a reading challenge that will broaden your worldview, inspire, and surprise. And just like last year it’s open for everyone to come and join in the fun!


Five keys to success in the reading challenge:

1Anyone can join
Even though the challenge is called Helmet reading challenge after the Helmet libraries all readers who want to take the challenge can do so. In 2015 for example Tampere city library took part by publishing their own book tips to all the items on the list.

2. A no-stress challenge 
When you take the reading challenge remember that it is intended to increase the joy of reading, not the other way round. So read as many books as you have time to, choose thin books or quit the challenge in the middle of the year if you feel like it. Also you don’t need to follow the order of the items, you can choose the order yourself.

3. A free-style challenge 
Do you want to use the same book to check more than one item of the list? An item doesn’t inspire you and you’d like to skip it? You want to read detective stories to most of the items? You are free to do so! The goal of the Helmet reading challenge is to give you inspiration, you can choose what rules you give yourself.

4. Shared joy of reading is double joy 
It’s fun to tackle the reading challenge with other people. Challenge your friends to join in or join the Helmet reading challenge Facebook group (discussions mostly in Finnish, but you can start them also in English). There you can talk about the most wonderful, awful and surprising book you read through the year.

5. Help is always available 
Have hard time finding suitable books for the challenge items? Don’t worry, help is near! Go visit your library or the reading challenge Facebook group and the library staff or other readers will help you. There are also many online resources available.

Have a great reading year 2016!


Helmet reading challenge:


  1. A book about food
  2. A travelog
  3. A book where people fall in love
  4. A book about an immigrant, a refugee or an asylum seeker
  5. A book you can use to make a bookface 
  6. A book about library
  7. A book that fits the slogan “My landscape - at countryside and in a city” (Green year/Vihervuosi 2016
  8. A book from an author you have never read before
  9. A book in a language or dialect that is not your own
  10. A book written by an Asian writer
  11. A graphic novel
  12. A play
  13. A book with a question as a tittle
  14. A nonfiction book about history
  15. A book with an ugly cover
  16. A book you have never seen before
  17. A book with a party
  18. A childrens book 
  19. A book where the protagonist has your dream job
  20. A book with title referring to a time of the day
  21. A book written in the 1700s
  22. A book with Marilyn Monroe in it (90 years from birth)
  23. A book about a woman who is a pioneer in her field
  24. A book that has been the pick of the day at Kirjasammo in 2016 
  25. A book that’s over 500 pages
  26. A memoir
  27. A book written by an African writer
  28. A book about a subject that is important to your family member
  29. A book co-written by two authors
  30. An entertaining book
  31. A book about the Olympics
  32. A book with a storm in it
  33. The last book of a dead author
  34. A book that has stirred discussion
  35. A book that takes place in space
  36. A collection of esseys or columns
  37. A book with title referring to a season
  38. A banned book
  39. A book written by a Nobel winner
  40. A book recommended by a retired person
  41. A book where letters are sent
  42. A book about a country where there has been a war after year 2000
  43. A book with Pablo Picasso in it (135 years from birth)
  44. A book where someone dies
  45. A book about a Finnish man
  46. A book recommended by a person under 18
  47. A book written by a South-American writer
  48. A book that’s under 150 pages
  49. A book published in 2016
  50. A book recommended by a librarian

Printable version of the reading challenge.

The Facebook-group for the reading challenge (Discussions mostly in Finnish but you are free to ask help also in English.)

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