图画:秋韵 诗文:秋菱 翻唱:碗叮当

爱的倩影 贴上了我的窗 慢慢慢慢地 漫进小小的树房 像柔软的枝条 环抱著我们俩
笑声和著欢愉 清清脆脆地 冲破夜色的苍茫 忘了你的眼睛你的脸 记不清你的手你的甜言 只有你温柔的气息 停留,回荡 和著第一缕 晨光
远去的你 还在迷离的月光中 徜徉
秋菱2005-7-7译自影云: ---------------------------------------------------
Love Song
I dreamed of you last night: ---
The shadow of love Was upon my window Filling the little tree house Slowly and slowly Till the fragile branches Embraced us
Laughing with joy Crisply Against darkness I forgot your eyes, your face, Your hands, your words Only the warmth Of your smell Lasted Echoing In the first ray of sunlight --
You were far off Wandering In the moonlit wilderness
歌曲《Woman In Love/碗叮当》下载: http://space.wenxuecity.com/media/1166483466.mp3