红色代表子女的心 宽阔的太平洋啊 隔不断血液凝成的亲情
拢一束金色的阳光 用六月的绿色来包裹 把福禄寄往家乡
最后呵,亲爱的父亲 愿这洁白的花朵 带给您长寿,康宁

你的心田如原野 -------------------
你的心田如原野 容纳我吧就象你 拥抱闲步的野鹅 你碧草茂密的心田呵 一切弱小的生灵 寻求庇护的港湾 . . .
你的心田如原野 颜色变幻似风云 情绪莫测象雷电 你温暖鲜红的血液呵 夜夜奔流不停歇 那怕草上覆著雪
. . .
你的心田四季敞开 春、夏、秋飒飒而过 天之娇子来来往往 他们各有所求呵 他们各取所需 他们拥吻 他们舞蹈 他们在宁静中进入梦乡
你的心田如原野 它催生真正的艺术 也是可以掩埋上帝的地方 那里没有墙没有栅栏没有恐慌 不需要为自己树碑立传 爱也不需要设防
Your heart Is an Open Field -------------------------------
Your heart is an open field taking me in like you have always embraced the migrating geese and harbored all the small & fragile creatures in the tall green grass in your heartland . . .
Your heart is an open field changing its colors as the sky changes its mood, but the warmth of your blood keeps the water flow each night even when the grass is covered with snow . . .
Your heart is open to all seasons spring, summer, autumn and whisper lovers of nature come & go for different reasons they take whatever they need they kiss they dance they sleep in peace . . .
Your heart is an open field giving birth to true art but it can also bury God I see no walls, fences or fears for your love is unguarded and needs no landmark to show you have lived
:: z.z. '05
歌曲《When a child is born》下载: http://space.wenxuecity.com/media/1182056959.mp3