Sorry I haven't posted for the past couple days...yesterday, I took a nap from 4:30 to 7:30, and then we went out for Mike's birthday later that night. During the day, we didn't have class so Jose took us to el Museo de Belleza Arte. It used to be a house for an incredibly important family in the early 1900s. Inside, we weren't allowed to take pictures, so that's why I only have photos of the exterior. But to get a sense of what it looked like was huge! 4 floors for 4 people. Each room had a distinct style. One of the rooms was designed with French neoclassicalism in mind, another was in a Renaissance style. Our tour guide said "hm" after every sentence. haha.
Below is a picture of Raelle and me in front of the museum.

Today, waking up was brutal after being up until 4am the night before. Mike and I organized his birthday party at this bar called "Tazz" and then later at a club called "Caix". Argentinians start their nights so late that when we got to the bar at 12am, no one else was there....and when we left the club at 3:30, there were still people waiting in line to get in!
So we took a 2 hour bus ride to La Estancia "La Alameda"...which is this kinda touristy place that shows you what life was like at the estancias back in the day. There were men dressed up as gauchos, horses (caballos) walking around that you could ride (I rode one for the first time! and quickly discovered that I have allergies to horses because my eyes started watering and I started sneezing within 5 minutes of being on it), lunch in a big dining room of many, many kinds of meat, and a show of dancing and singing afterwards. I forgot my camera. and i'm very sad about that. We just got back, and now I'm back at my home, relaxing and probably not going out tonight because I need to catch up on sleep! Tomorrow, I'd like to explore Palermo or Boca.