

(2009-05-29 17:25:55) 下一个

I didn't bring my camera to class today, so sorry there aren't any pictures! Today was our first day of actual class with Hernan and Jose. In our first class, Hernan talked about "la triple alianza"...the triple alliance with Argentina, Uruguay, and Brazil that tried to wipe out the people of Paraguay. Young Paraguayans had to create an entire generation again because so many people were killed.

After class, Raelle and I walked around la calle Florida, looking for a few gifts for people. The first gift I bought was actually for Amy's mom, and then I bought a scarf to wear during the cold days here. I forgot mine at home. Raelle and I went to about 10+ tiendas de deportes (sports stores) to find Argentinian soccer jerseys for special people. They're about 140 pesos for good fakes and 200 for real ones. I keep forgetting that I have a month to accumulate all the gifts I need to get for people. It'll go by fast though.

So far, I'm loving the city, the people, the food....

I have a friend already. He works downstairs in the lobby at night, buzzing people into the apartment. He said I spoke spanish well, but the first thing most people ask me is where I'm from...because I don't speak THAT well...haha

one thing i forgot to mention was that while going through the shops here in buenos aires...I realized that i am consciously thinking, "how much would i be spending on this in the US?" i start dividing prices by 3 and then subtracting a little more off the price to see how much it is in the states. i love this mentality because i always end up surprising myself. one of the reasons why i didn't want to go to spain was because of the exchange rate, and the fact that things are way more expensive than here in argentina.

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