My daughter wrote this when she was in 4th grade.
Christmas Wish

Hi! My name is Elizabeth Miller. I really want my mom to come for Christmas, but I know she can’t. Why? Because my mom and my dad got divorced when my twin sister Emily and I were only one month old. At that time, my 13-year-old sister, Tiffany was 4 and my 16-year-old brother John was 7. My dad didn’t tell us that my mom and him got divorced and that she didn’t live with us anymore. John told us when we were 3. Now, we live with Tiffany, John, our 11 month old sister Kara, Sammy and Sandy, our two golden retrievers, and our stepmom.

Chapter 1
Right after Elizabeth, Tiffany, Emily, and John ate breakfast and brushed their teeth, they quickly hurried and put on their snow suits. They ran downstairs and out the door to play in the snow. Splat! Elizabeth and her twin sister Emily had just threw a giant snowball at her brother and sister John and Tiffany. They were outside in the front yard playing in the snow, having a big snowball fight.
“ I wish mom were here for Christmas.” said Elizabeth.
“Me too.” said Emily.
“Let’s go inside, I’m getting cold.” said Elizabeth. So they went inside.
“You know, I think we should ask dad if we could take a plane to California for Christmas.” said Elizabeth.
“No, I don’t think so. I think we should just stay here. Anyway, what do we tell mom?” said Tiffany.
“You mean stepmom.” Elizabeth corrected her sister. “Yeah, stepmom, whatever.” Tiffany said.
“Oh, well, I like my …” “Hey, what are you talking about?” asked John.
“Oh, nothing, really.” said Tiffany
“Shhhhhh! Be quiet! Here comes mom!” shouted Emily.
“Oh, okay.” said Elizabeth. “Would you girls like hot chocolate?” said mom.
“Sure.” said Elizabeth and Emily.
Then their mom went back in the kitchen. Elizabeth and Emily talked for a while until … “Girls! Your hot chocolate is ready!”
“Okay.” They said. And they went into the kitchen.

Chapter 2
“I don’t know what I want for Christmas.” said Alison, Elizabeth’s best friend.
“Me neither.” said Laura, Emily’s best friend.
It was recess at school and the four friends wanted to tell each other what they wanted for Christmas. They were all in Ms. Johnson’s fourth grade. Everybody said that she is the nicest teacher on earth. Elizabeth, Alison, Laura and Emily were proud of that. Brrriiinnggg! It was the bell. Everyone went in their class line.
“Can I talk to you? Elizabeth.”
“I was thinking maybe we should go to California for Christmas to see mom.”
“Okay, did you tell dad yet?” said Elizabeth.
“No, I was going to but then he didn’t want to hear anything about mom.” said Emily.
“All right, we have to tell dad tonight. Maybe he is in a better mood now.” Elizabeth.
“Yeah, let’s get back in line.” said Emily. Then they ran back in line.

Chapter 3
“Let’s go tell dad now!” shouted Elizabeth.
She ran in the house when Emily was dragging behind her. Tiffany and John were in the kitchen doing their homework. Emily and Elizabeth sneaked past them.
“Hi! Dad! Can we talk to you now?”
“Sure, girls, what about?” said dad.
“Well, we wanted to know …” Elizabeth started.
“If we could go to California for Christmas.” Finished Emily.
“You know, to see mom for Christmas.” Emily said.
“No!” shouted dad.
“But, why?” said Emily.
“Girls, you know Christmas is in only three weeks. And all the snow storms and everything we’re never going to make it.” Said dad.
Elizabeth and Emily knew their dad didn’t want them to go to see their mom.
“Dad, couldn’t you let Elizabeth and I go by ourselves?”
“Christmas just wouldn’t be the same without you guys.”
“Fine!” shouted Elizabeth. And they ran up to their room.

Chapter 4
“I’ve got an idea!” said Elizabeth.
“What?” “We could walk to California.” said Elizabeth.
“What!? Are you out of your mind? California is a million miles away!” screamed Emily.
“I know, maybe we shouldn’t walk.” said Elizabeth.
“Let’s just try, though.” said Elizabeth.
“No way.”
“Fine, let’s start tomorrow because it’s Saturday.” said Emily.
“What are you waiting for? Let’s pack up!” said Elizabeth.

Chapter 5
It was still Saturday and Elizabeth and Emily were so busy packing up. They packed all the important stuff yesterday.
“What should we bring or wear?” said Emily.
“Duh! Wear warm clothes, stupid! It’s freezing out!” said Elizabeth.
“Okay, whatever!” said Emily.
They packed food and water. After they finished packing they sneaked out the door.
“Man! It’s cold out!” said Emily.
“I told you!” said Elizabeth.
They walked as the hard snowstorm pushed them back.
“My feet is aching.” said Emily. “We have to keep going!” said Elizabeth.
They walked day and night for two days. It was almost sunset the third day. Elizabeth and Emily heard two familiar voices. It was their dad and their stepmom.
“What are you doing here!?” said their dad.
“We ran away! So, we could go to California for Christmas to see mom.” said Elizabeth.
“Well, girls you should have told us!” said their stepmom.
“We didn’t want to because dad was going to say no!” said Emily.
“When did I say no?”
“When we came home the other day after school! Remember? We asked you if we could go but you said no!” shouted Elizabeth.
“You’re right. I did say no. Anyway, let’s go home now.” said their dad.

Chapter 6
“Hey, dad.” said Emily. They were in their mom’s van driving home.
“Yeah?” said their dad.
“How long did you notice that we were gone?”
“After we all came back from work.”
“Where’s Kara, John and Tiffany?” asked Emily.
“Tiffany is at home babysitting Kara and Mark is at hockey practice.”
“Oh.” Emily said back. They drove all their way home.
John still isn’t old enough to drive on his own so, their stepmom left to pick up John.
Emily and Elizabeth ran all the way up the stairs to their room and cried until dinner time.
“All I wanted was to spend just one day with mom.” said Elizabeth.
“Me too. We really never knew our mom, but I heard that she is a great person.” said Emily.
“I didn’t hear that she was. I just knew.” said Elizabeth.

Chapter 7
It was the Saturday one week before Christmas. Emily and Elizabeth were outside in the snow. They were in the backyard just talking about what Christmas this year was going to be like without their mom. Actually, they had never even had a Christmas with their mom. But this year they were able to understand that Christmas with your family is the best thing you could ever get. So that’s why they ran away.
“Hey, want to have a snowball fight?” asked Emily.
“No, I don’t feel like it.” said Elizabeth.
“Why? Come on. At least it will cheer us up a little.” said Emily.
“No!” said Elizabeth.
“Fine, Okay. I’ve got it. Let’s play Duck, Duck, Goose!”.
“I’ll be the duck, duck… duck…”
“Stop!” said Elizabeth. “You know that game gets on my nerves!”
“Then what do you want to play?” asked Emily.
“Anything but Duck, Duck, Goose. okay.”
“Okay.” said Emily. So they had a snowball fight.
Emily had won the fight because she was in a better mood than Elizabeth. Whoever didn’t get hit the most with the snowballs, won.
“ Yes! I am the champion of snowball fighting!” shouted Emily.
“ Don’t set your hopes too high. I could beat you a million times in a row! I just wasn’t in a good mood this time.” said Elizabeth
“Oh yeah, I … I…” started Emily.
“Oh yeah what?” said Elizabeth. “Never mind!” said Emily.
“Come on. Admit that I had never ever lost a snowball fight against you.” said Elizabeth tapping her boot against the crunching snow.
“O…O… Okay, I admit that you had never lost a fight.” said Emily.
“Good.” said Elizabeth. And they both walked inside.

Chapter 8
When they went inside, they walked into the family room, where they put their Christmas tree, looked at it, and immediately remembered their mother and that she couldn’t spend Christmas with them. That made Emily and Elizabeth start to cry.
Sandy their golden retriever, came in the room and licked them both on the face. That cheered them up a little. Sandy lay down and Emily and Elizabeth tickled her stomach for a while. Then they sat in front of the Christmas tree and just said “I wish mom were here for Christmas.” over and over again.

Chapter 9
“ I can’t believe today is Christmas Eve!” said Alison. It was lunch recess at school.
“Me neither.” said Elizabeth trying to sound excited.
“What’s the matter. You don’t sound very excited.” said Alison.
“It’s because I’m not!” said Elizabeth.
“But Why? Isn’t Christmas supposed to be fun?” asked Alison.
“Yes, Christmas is supposed to be fun for kids that their mother and father aren’t divorced.” said Elizabeth then she paused a moment. “That’s the reason why I’m not excited.” said Elizabeth.
Alison knew that Emily and Elizabeth’s mom and dad got divorced and how bad they felt about it.
“Oh, well, if my best friend isn’t happy, then I’m not happy!” said Alison.
“ Thanks Ali, I really appreciate it.”
“ No problem.” said Alison.
“Hey, let’s go and play with Emily and Laura.” said Alison.
“Okay, they’re over by the bushes” said Elizabeth.

Chapter 10
It was the night before Christmas. Emily and Elizabeth weren’t in bed yet. They were too excited to see what was going to be under their tree and in their stockings the next morning. So they decided to stay up a little more.
“Okay girls, time for bed!” said their dad as he got up from the couch.
Emily and Elizabeth quickly ran up to their room and plopped on the bed. It wasn’t long when they had discovered that they forgot to brush their teeth and take a shower. After they had done those things they jumped on their bed and pulled the covers over them.
Since Emily and Elizabeth sleep in the same room, they could talk to each other at night. They had separate beds.
“ Beth, what do you think you might get for Christmas?” asked Emily.
“I don’t know but please go to sleep.” said Elizabeth.
“Okay Beth.” Before they knew it they fell fast asleep.

Chapter 11
“Beth! Beth! Beth! Wake up! Hurry! It’s Christmas!” said Emily.
Emily had got out of bed and she tried to wake up Elizabeth.
“What? Huh? What happened?” said Elizabeth
“Beth, it’s Christmas! Let’s go downstairs!” said Emily.
They quickly got dressed, brushed their teeth, and dashed down the stairs. They tried not to make a noise because they didn’t want to wake anyone up.
When they got all the way down they were so surprised at what they saw. Under the tree had so much gifts that it all didn’t fit. The stockings had so much stuff that it was bulging out.
And there in the kitchen was their very own mother!
That was what surprised them the most.
“Mom!” they yelled and ran to their mother. She held out her arms and Emily and Elizabeth ran to her. She hugged them very tight.
“I’ve missed you so much, mom!” said Elizabeth
“ So have I!” said their mom.
This was Emily and Elizabeth’s favorite Christmas ever!

你女儿太有才了!四年级时的作品就这么洋洋洒洒了。very impressive! 请问你是如何培养的?